Do You Believe in Fairy Tales?

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I wish I could go back to save him.
Everything that led up to it was magical, unbelievable, and just... strange. I always thought I knew my mom more than anyone, but clearly that wasn't the case.


"One upon a time..." said Zach, but instantly stopped and looked over at his sister. "Do you actually believe in fairies, Alex?"
"No," his younger sister Alex replied with a snort. "Of course not. That fairy tale stuff is garbage. Do you?"
Zach smirked. "Of course not! Since you don't believe in fairy tales, I guess I don't have to tell them anymore! Bed time, Alex."
"Hey, I'm only four years younger than you!" Alex protested.
"But I'm seventeen, so I'm basically the adult here. And I say it's your bed time," Zach jested.
"If it's my bed time, then it's your bed time, too," Alex said, battling with him.
"Fine," Zach gave up, knowing Alex's protests wouldn't stop until she had her way.
They both got into their beds on their opposites sides of the room, and snuggled under their covers.
"Goodnight, Alex," Zach whispered to his sister.
"Goodnight, Zach," Alex replied, squirming deeper under her covers.
Within seconds, both of them fell into a deep sleep.
No fairies, huh?
Little did they know of the tiny trail of fairy dust leading out of their bedroom as they slept.


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