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Hiya reader! My name is Ryan
Finnagan and well...I have a secret to tell can keep my secret right?..Well I have this friend...Jacob McCoy though he is more of a brother to me, raised from a young age by Emma, grew up together, went to school together, even bullied together.

So what's so special about that right?..two best friends growing up together, no biggie! Well heres where things see my dear reader...Jacob McCoy is no ordinary fact he is much much more...he's my...SOULMATE...oh yeah and he's also a fairy though that isn't too important!

Thats right, he's MY soulmate, he is my love and my love only! Problem is he doesn't realise it yet, he is blinded by the attention of girls like Chloe, Luxie and Callula and fails to see that I, Ryan Finnigan, am his one true love, those girls don't know Jacob McCoy like I do, they don't know how to truly pleasure and satisfy like I do, what Jacob needs more than anything is someone who can show him a good time, what he a sit back and relax dear reader...and prepare for a journey only Jacob has experienced so far...

The Affection of Ryan Finnagan Where stories live. Discover now