Still Into You

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It all started with a fight.

A fight that got really bad.

"I HATE YOU SO MUCH!" Kurt screamed. Blaine froze.

"I think I'm gonna stay at Rachel's tonight. He said, tears streaming down his cheeks. He left the apartment and slammed the door behind him.

Oh shit. What have I done?! I just told me husband, the person I care about and love most in the world, that I hate him. Kurt thought. I have to fix this.

Rachel opened the door to see Blaine standing there with tears streaming down his cheeks. As soon as he saw her he let out a loud sob. "Blaine, what's wrong?" She asked, grabbing his hand and pulling him into the apartment, closing the door behind him.

"K-Kurt t-told me that he ha-hated me. W-we were in a fi-fight and it was g-getting so b-bad and he said he ha-hated me." Rachel watched him break down and sob. She wrapped him in a hug and held him for a long while. Once he had calmed down a bit she pulled away.

"Tell me what happened." She pulled him to the couch and sat down next to him.

Blaime started explaining that they had gotten in a fight over something stupid and it kept getting bigger and bigger, until eventually Kurt snapped and had told him he hated him, by the time he finished telling her he was sobbing again. Rachel pulled him back into her arms. The worst part is that he actually thinks Kurt hates him. Rachel thought, replaying the story Blaine had told over in her head.

"Shh, Blaine, shh." Rachel said.

Kurt needed to fix this. He knew that. He needed to do it soon. He can't make Blaine hurt like that for long.

"Hey, Rachel, I know Blaine is there. It's probably why your not answering. That or your mad at me because of what I said. I didn't mean it. G-god, I didn't." A tear rolled down his cheek. "I need you to help me fix this. Bring him to Callbacks tomorrow night. 6:30. Make sure you get a seat in the front. Please call me back once he's asleep. Bye, Rach." He hung up.

He sat there, tears rolling down his cheeks. Then he went over the lyrics of the song he needed to know. He was pretty sure he knew them, but he wanted to be sure.

After Rachel had gotten Blaine to bed, she grabbed her phone and called Kurt back. "How could you say that to him?!"

"I didn't mean it!"

"Well, he thinks you did. He's been sobbing since he got here. He just cried himself to sleep!" Rachel exclaimed, trying to keep quiet.

"Oh God, Rachel, does he really think that I hate him?"


"Please bring him to Callbacks tomorrow at 6:30. Get a seat in the front. I'm gonna fix this. No matter what it takes." He hung up.

Kurt cried himself to sleep.

Rachel had forced Blaine into some clothes he had forgotten there last time he visited. She had decided not to put gel in his hair because she didn't want that shit all over her hands. She shoved his feet into his shoes and dragged him outside. She knew they wouldn't make it on time if she had to make Blaine walk so she got a taxi. Once they got in the back Blaine sat staring out the window.

"Rachel, where are we going?"


"Why? I don't want to go."

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