8 years ago (2012)

682 23 12

I love Seraph of the End~!!! Its the best anime I've seen so far!!! I ship YUUNOA ppl! (some are going to hate me for this) (I respect MIKAYUU, I actually shipped it before...) Any way, Let's go! vvv -3-

Excerpt from Guren Ichinose: Catastrophe at Sixteen

Shinoa crossed her arms and tilted her head again.

Just then voices rang out from behind her. They seemed to belong to a group of children of about the same age as her.

"I'll race you all to the park! You too, Akane!"

"You're on! You'll never beat me, Mika!"

Guren turned his eyes toward the children.

Among the group was one boy whom Guren remembered having seen before.

He had blonde hair, and skin even paler than Shinoa's. He was probably mixed race, with a family from somewhere outside of Japan'

It was the boy from the Hyakuya Orphanage. Guren had seen him before with Saito- the assassin form the Thousand Nights.

His name was Mikaela Hyakuya, Guren recalled.

The boy quickly noticed Guren staring at him.

"Uh oh."

"What's wrong," asked the girl standing next to Mikaela.

"That guy over there with the nasty look in his eyes, I've seen him before. Mr. Saito said he's the neighborhood pervert!"

"The what?!" spit out Shinoa, overhearing their conversation.

Mikaela ran up to Shinoa from behind.

"Hey you," he said, "are you all right?"

Shinoa turned around to face him. She answered in a mischievous tone, clearly enjoying the situation.

"No, I'm not. This guy  here just said all sorts of dirty things to me. I think he was trying to abduct  me!"

"I knew it!" shouted Mikaela.

Guren glowered at the two before turning on his heel. 

"Whatever, just don't forget to deliver my message," he said.

Mikaela spoke up before Shinoa could answer.

"Wait, where do you think you're going? I'm calling the police!"

"You do that, kid"

"If I see you hanging around here again..."

"Geez, kid. I'm going. Just shut up already." 

Shinoa cackled in delight. Guren ignored her as he walked away.

Excerpt from Guren Ichinose: Catastrophe at Sixteen (end) ((credits go to the creator Takaya Kagami))

Shinoa's POV

The girl left running.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" the blonde boy asked.

"Thanks to you, I'm okay!" I answered.

"Well, that's good. I'm Mikaela! What's your name?"

I knew I shouldn't make contact with the orphanage's kids, but he seems nice...My sister would kill me for this...Oh well!

"I'm Shinoa, I came here with my sister."

"Now that you mention it, I did saw someone inside that looks like you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2017 ⏰

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