Banton: The Crime of Cavalere

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Banton: The Crime of Cavalere

Copyright © 2013 by D.e.e.L

Cover Art by D.e.e.L

Dedicated to Suspicion

Banton: The Crime of Cavalere

 “She’s so spirited, tantalizing in her entry.”

“I suppose, Sir.”

“You do not think so, Jenkins?”

“I do, Sir. I do.”

“Hmm, very well then.”

“More bourbon, Sir?”

“Yes, that would be nice.”

Mary Ann flings herself from the board and into the water once more before exiting and drying herself off. Banton walks up behind her and playfully undoes the string to her bikini top.

“Here you are, Sir.”

“Ah, thank you, Jenkins. Here my lady, this one is for you.”

“You know I don’t drink bourbon, Banton.”

“Oh, but you must, this one is most delightful.”

“I’m sure it is, but I am not thirsty.”

“One does not drink simply when they are thirsty. Some even do it for the flavor.”

“I shall take a single sip to satisfy you, but you may take the rest.”

“Very well then. I’ll take it with me to my study.”

In his study Banton plays his piano for hours before dreadfully falling to his work.

“Ugh, these cases are most dreadful. Walter, sing me a song.”

-Walter, his parrot, just looks at him cock-eyed.


-Walter begins to sing “twinkle twinkle little star”

“Ah, much better.”

Banton thumbs through the cases, three that he said he’d have solved by the end of November – it is now January.


“I do wish that ruckus would subside.”

“The hoodlums again, Sir?”

“Yes, always with that music. What is it they are calling it again?”

“Rock and Roll, Sir.”

“Absolutely absurd. It won’t ever be anything more than garage nonsense.”

“Of course, Sir. Would you like some bourbon?”

“Why with all the bourbon? I’ll take some coffee.”

“Very well, Sir.”

Jenkins heads to the kitchen to fetch the coffee while Banton remains in his study. In the kitchen Jenkins adds something extra to the coffee from a vial.

“Fresh brewed, Sir.”

“Ah, thank you Jenkins.”

“Anything else, Sir?”

“No, this will be all for now. Thank you, Jenkins.”

Jenkins stands waiting for Banton to sip but Banton gets annoyed and shoos him off.

“…Thank you, Jenkins.”


“Honey, won’t you take me to tonight’s festival?”

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