Dark Streets

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Standing in the corner I watch you. 

You don't see me, nor will you ever, but I am here

Every time you fight, I leave the safety of my home

Because it's easier somehow

If I'm there


Not knowing if you were hurt

Or worse

I told you about David right?

How when he was young 

He tried to stop a fight

And his leg was hurt irreparably

My dear big brother is an idiot, But I'm not 

I stand here

All black 

Dark hair swishing

Dark eyes glinting

Dark expression shifting


I care

Maybe I'm stupid for that fact

If you knew I came every time

You'd never forgive me

And say I was stupid for doing so

I think I'd be stupid not to

You wouldn't be able to forgive me for coming

I wouldn't be able to forgive me for staying

My dear big brother was an idiot for stepping in

But I think I'm the idiot for staying out

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