Take a Picture It'll Last Longer

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Kayla looked at the tall oak tree looming above her wondering if it still was a good idea. She had never been a great tree climber but desperate time called for drastic measures. As she looked down at the two villages not even 1km from each other, she knew she could take a beautiful picture and maybe a win in the local photography competition. It had been a dream she had ever since her uncle Tony had granted her with a camera on her 11th birthday. It had been two years since but she was adamant on winning this time.

A sharp wind blew, causing her chestnut hair to run wild like snakes hunting for prey. She looked at the massive oak tree again. Its base was full of notches and holes and the closest branch was roughly an arm's length away. Making a descion she started to climb her foot slipping on the first few attempts. Undaunted she tried again. She knew she'd have to hurry up before her mother got suspicious. She had been told from the day she could walk to stay away from Demons Rock. The rock in which the tree she was scaling slowly was situated.

She never understood why she was not allowed near it. She never saw anything wrong with the place, it was a very pretty meadow. When curiosity got the better of her a few weeks ago she had sneaked up here. Nothing had happened. And the view was to die for. Perched up on this rock, the beautiful meadow to her back Kayla could see for miles. It was always worth the climb. At least going down was quicker, easier too. The pathway up was a little overgrown in places but still navigatable, it was such a calming and peaceful walk.

Kayla came here more often after her little trip left her undamaged. It was a great place to think and it was worth everything for the view but Kayla knew once she had climbed a bit of the tree it would be ten times better. The sun was setting too and she knew if she captured that as well she had first place in the competition secured.

She pulled herself up onto the first branch arm's aching slightly and continued on. When she got to the sixth branch she decided she was high enough, that and the sun was beginning to sink lower by the minute. She edged out carefully to where the branch began to fork. Below her the soft glow of the setting sun cast a beautiful orange light on the houses of both villages. Demons Rock stood above them, the feature showing where each village's territory ended. It was the meditator, the reason war wasn't breaking out. For centuries it had been the only indicator of who owned what but when Kayla was born the wall separating both sides had been finished. From here the ugly grey streak tainted the countryside but it spoke for it's self. It was the reminder of a bloody and terrible history.

Kayla reckoned that it was a near perfect picture. A few fires were being lit in some houses causing pinpricks to appear. She clicked a few times capturing the view again and again. She'd sort through them later and decide which one was better but she'd better be going or her mother would be anxious and probably angry, she wasn't allowed out after dark. She steadily made her way down the old creaking tree in the dim light, going down was always more challenging that going up. Just as her foot hit the ground she heard it.

The sound of branches snapping underfoot and a sound that was similar to slithering. Her heart was hammering in her chest. She turned to the direction of the noise, it seemed to be coming from the meadow. What looked like a skeleton with a layer of human skin stood 10 meters to her left. The sight was sickening. It looked like a creature who hadn't eaten in years and with the hunger in its eyes she found it believable. It's skin looked like parchment paper, yellowing and decaying in places. The lifeless eyes looked massive in its sunken face. You could see every bone on it's body, the ones in the face the most prominent. It stalked towards her looking like Christmas came early. She knew that it'd tear her apart with no regrets but she couldn't move. She stood frozen in fear as it edged closer.

A scream tore from her throat, one of pure unadulterated terror. Momentarily unparalyzed she did the only thing she could think of, she ran. The creature bounced to life the minute it saw their prey getting away, eyes full of greed and for a half starved creature it ran pretty quickly. She didn't know the path as well as the Creature. She stumbled and slipped, grazing her knees numerous times. She was externally greatful that the last ray of the sun as dim as it was lit her way. She'd be a goner if it wasn't there. Thinking of this only urged her to run faster. She felt a hot breath on her neck. She turned around only to be met with the sight of the Creature bearing down on her.

This was her mistake. Already breathless and tiring she wanted to give up but she knew she was nearly home. But in her daze and determination to get away from the Creature she took the wrong turn. She was heading towards the other village. You think she'd realise this but the roads were pretty similar and Kayla was more focused on what was pursuing her. The creature tried to grab her, its nails sunk into her back gauging four holes but Kayla was just ahead enough for the Creature not to cause sufficient damage. She ploughed on reaching the safe sanctuary on the villages walls less then a minute later. The was special protections against the Creature and it jumped back like it'd been shocked. It glared and hissed angrily.

"Go back to the meadow", She shouted her voiced weak.
Kayla then collaspsed trying to regain her breath and slow her raging heart. She could still hear the pitiful cries of the Creature but it calmed her slightly knowing she was safe for now. She saw someone walking swiftly towards her, expecting it to be the guard's man John she raised her hand in salute. But as he came closer she realised she didn't know this person. Fear gripped her for the second time that night. She was in the other village. Who knew what they were going to do to her? But whatever they could do couldn't be as bad as the Creature, she reasoned trying to reassure herself. She tried to scurry away from this man as he drew closer. He looked to be in his early 30's, was about 5f 11in and was growing a beard. He's blue eyes were unfriendly and his black hair reminded her of her Dads.

He gripped her arm painfully and drew her up towards him.
"Who the hell are you, and why are you here?"
He spat angrily into her face. Feeling very intimidated she muttered a few words about Demons Rock, the Creature and taking the wrong turn.
"Speak up girl", he shouted gruffly "What do you think I am a bat?"
She repeated it again a bit louder this time.
"Wrong turn?"
" You expect us to believe that?"
For the first time and definitely not the last time in that night Kayla wished that she had listen to her mother's words about Demon's Rock and the meadow. She wished that she hadn't been so adamant on getting the perfect photo the photography competition. As she was dragged towards the village jail the middle aged man made it clear she wouldn't be going home ever again. She felt all hope shatter at these words. Her family probably thought she was dead. The man told her she'd get a trail but she knew it would be unfair as he had a mad glint in his eye.

"If you lucky you might be imprisoned for 20 years and then under house arrest for the remainder of your living days or if your unlucky a public hanging for intruding on enemy soil"
He grinned as he told her this, glad of some event to living things up.
"You know we can't trust you and your lot after the civil war"
He pushed her harshly into one of the cells. And locked the door with a loud click of his keys. He then fired a stale crust of bread at her
"There that will have to do you till morning"
There was only empty cells around her and as he walked out as proud as punch he turned off the light plunging her in darkness and despair knowing that her future didn't look bright.

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