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Happy endings only happen in fairytales, not in real life.  But despite the fact that reality is so much different from a fairy tale where good triumphs over evil and everyone ends up happy, we all haven’t moved on from its notion. Just like in fairytales, we all want it.  Deep into the recesses of our mind we all wish for it.  As much as we don’t want to admit it, we all want a happy ending. 

Such is the thinking of this beautiful woman we will call Eloise.  Since childhood she had wished for his prince charming to come and fall deeply in love.  Indeed, for Eloise and her love Simon, it seems like a happy ending isn’t farfetched after all.  Theirs is an almost perfect love story, and although there are occasional fights here and there, it doesn’t ruin the relationship these two had built for themselves. Rather it was something that made their union stronger.

This particular day, October twenty, marks their fifth anniversary. Having lived together for two years now, Eloise thought this might be the day the Simon ask her to marry him.  Yet the day had passed and Simon hasn’t popped the question.  Eloise tossed and turned in her bed while Simon slept soundly. 

By morning, Eloise is still in a cloud of frustration and ignored Simon until she is ready for work.  At the office, her friends noticed her frustration and grim aura.  When asked, Eloise just shakes her head and simply says that it’s Simon.  Her friends and co-workers knew better than to ask her about it since in all the two years they’ve worked together, they’ve only seen the guy in pictures but haven’t met the guy in person. Opinions are not needed and are useless and unhelpful when you don’t know what really happened and only know one person involved. Better to keep ones mouth shut.

Arriving home, Eloise immediately prepares for dinner.  Simon remains sitting in the couch watching tv, exactly how she left him this morning.  By 7pm she and Simon sit across their four sitter dining table. Eloise strikes up a conversation but Simon stays silent.  After several tries, Eloise finally got mad.  Angrier than ever, Eloise stands and starts shouting at Simon.

“So now you have the guts to be silent and ignore me? You forgot it was our anniversary! I should be the one ignoring you and yet here I am trying to make it work. You’re unbelievable.  What the hell is wrong with you?”

Simon only sits there, not replying even once.   Eloise walks out of their apartment and leaves Simon alone.  Just as Eloise turns the corner away from their building, here comes her office friend Hanna, carrying her phone that she had left in her office cubicle.  Hanna knocks on the apartment door and tries to turn the knob while calling out to Eloise.  The knob turns and Hanna opens the door; slowly entering Eloise’s home for the first time. 

“Eloise? It’s me Hanna, I brought your phone. You left it at the office.”

When Hanna doesn’t hear a reply, she moves toward the living room and looks around.  She walks toward what seems to be the dining area as she continues to call Eloise’s name.  There she sees Simon sitting alone at the table, his back to her. From what Hanna can see, granting that the room is dimly lit, he is casually dressed in jeans and a black top.  He has long messy hair that almost reaches his shoulder.  She approaches the man and calls his name.

“Hi. You must be Simon. I’m Hanna, Eloise’s friend. I just brought her phone; she left it at the office. Where is she?” she asks, but Simon doesn’t answer back nor does he turn around to face Hanna.

“Hey Simon?”  Hanna touches Simon’s shoulder and Simon falls to the floor, a wig falling off his head.

Hanna screams at what she’s seen.  There is no Simon.  No wonder it never answered back. It is incapable of speaking because it's not a human after all but only what's left of it.  Simon, her friend Eloise’s boyfriend is only a collection of bones connected by screws, a skeleton dressed in man’s clothes.

Turning back she sees Eloise pointing a gun at her. 

“I’m sorry, you shouldn’t have seen that.  I can’t bear to have loose ends, I would have to kill you or else, you’re gonna tell someone about this and they’ll take Simon away from me.”

And with that, Hanna was shot at the head.

Two years ago, Eloise and Simon were involved in a car crash.  Eloise survived while Simon died instantly.  Eloise was in a coma for 2 weeks while Simon was buried within the 1st week of his death.  Imagine Eloise’s shock when she awakened and found out her love Simon is dead and already buried.  Eloise broke into fits of hysterical cries and for days remained in a catatonic state.  A few days after recovering from shock, Eloise went to Simon’s grave and dug him out in the middle of the night.  She carefully carried Simon’s skeleton to her car and placed it beside her bags, she drove off to another state far away from that place. 

Since then she has been living in the apartment with the bones of her beloved Simon.  Pretending that Simon is still alive and that everything is the same as it is before. 

As time went by, Eloise didn't have to pretend anymore, she had truly believed Simon to be alive and the accident to be nothing but a bad dream.

We all want our lives to be something worth of a happy ending and when fate decides to take that one person that would make it come true, who knows what one can do to have it back.


This is a challenge from IgpayAtinlay. We both wrote a one page story with the same character name and genre but with different plots but she's such a meanie, she deleted her version. *cries*

Cover from the very beautiful and very talented and my super crush Natalie Shau. :D

Thanks for reading! Comment? (: Author's Notes Suck.

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