Cuddles and Lies

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There was a crumpled body on the edge of the rocky cliff.

So small and fragile.

I hadn't realized it was Jasmine when she slightly raised her face to wipe any remaining tears.

Each sob made me want to embrace her and tell her that everything was okay.

"Une Fleur?" I mumble out silently surprised that Jasmine heard me. 

Her body tensed up from the owner of the voice.

I ran and grabbed her, cradling Jasmine in my arms.

My heart tore when she looked up and met my eyes.

Sorrow, that was what those beautiful eyes were telling me.

She's trying to stop her sobs and was looking for the courage to talk to me.

With each sob, it gave me a slight stab in the heart.

I gave her a kiss on her forehead while soothing her to let her stop crying.

Finally to an end, the eerie echo still lurks making my stomach churn.

Still holding Jasmine, I asked if anything was wrong.

Nothing comes out of her small  mouth.

I'm trying my best to be patient, but patient is never my characteristics.

I guess I just have to wait until she speaks.

Whatever she's going through, she has to tell me even though it will take years.


A/N: I'm sorry..

I have been lazy...

I'm going to Korea today.. and theres no internet in my Grandparents house... 

probably have to go to a cafe to do the other chapters...

baiii m8 gtg~~

again luv u guys~~ <3 <3 <3

p.s. if the next chapter update in like 2 months, dont be surprised...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2016 ⏰

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