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Chris has always got with the wrong type of girl, you known the ones that just want his money, and wants to be famous.

Chris P.O.V

Me: Ay, Bro what you doing today?

Metri: I ain't doin shit, Why wassup?

Me: I need you to do me a favor

Metri: What Is It Now?

Me: You know that crazy girl I was telling you about yesterday?

Metri: Yea???

Me: How bout that crazy bitch n her sister locked me in there room

Metri: N I can help you by???

Me: GET ME TF OUT NIQQA! Watchu mean how can I help.

Metri: Iight, man

Lisa and her sis walked in the room.

Lisa(crazy Girl) P.O.V:

Me: Hey babe I missed you.

Chris: I don't miss you crazy ass bitch.LET ME GO!

Bri(crazy girls sis): See Lisa I told you he likes me better.

Chris: I don't like yo ugly ass and can you plz let me go.

Bri and I said in unison: I don't think so at lease not today.

Chris P.O.V:

I thought to myself where Df is Metri.

After 20 minutes of being tortured by Lisa and Bri the door rang. I felt a sigh of relief. Metri had handcuffed the girls and put em in the back seat of Chris's car( which he never locks). Metri locks the car then he ran in the house to search for Me, he herd my yelp for help. Metri found me in a closet butt naked.

Metri: Aww, wtf Man you should of told me you were naked.

Me: Ay man just help find my clothes

Metri: You can look in here cuz I don't want to see your dick swinging everywhere.

Metri searched the spare bedroom, bathroom and the laundry room. I yells found em. I puts my clothes on and then we left in Metri's car.

Me: That was my eighth favorite car

Metri: Niqqa, I wish I could say that, I drive a Prius.

Me: Laughing like crazy

Metri: But seriously Chris, you need to stop messing with these groupies.

Me: I know, I know. Thanks for helping me though

Metri: No Prob, you know I got you we been down since the third grade

Me:Yea, how bout I get you a second car

Metri: You serious?

Me: Yea, bro I got you

Sorry this was short but this is my 1st story and I couldn't really think of anything els. Keep reading I promise for better chapters.

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