chapter 18

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The next morning, the racers began to wake up and get themselves and their dogs ready.

"On the road again." Patch said.

"Yep..." Colette yawned and stretched.

"Let's hit the road." Budderball yawned.

Adam commanded the puppies. The puppies had a slow start at first, but eventually picked up the pace and ran with the other racers.

"I guess we're staying under the blanket from now on." Oddball said.

"Unless somebody gets hurt." Patch reminded his niece.

"Oh, right." Oddball said.

"Don't worry, dear." Colette smiled. "I'm sure you'll race soon enough."

"If Buddha gets hurt, then I can be by Budderball's side like Rosebud and Shasta are." Oddball said to herself dreamily.

"Well, should one of us check outside and see what's going on?" Colette asked.

"I'll do it, you guys stay warm." Patch offered as he wiggled out slightly to take a look to the outside world. And where he saw that the female racers sled was starting to drift away from her dogs.

"Cozy?" he smiled to the others with him.

"Mm-hmm..." Colette and Oddball smiled back to him.

"Great." Patch smiled.

"Oh, I hope Budderball's okay up there." Oddball hoped.

"I'm sure he's okay." Patch said.

Bernie woke up the others. "Come on, guys, we better get to the Midway Checkpoint."

Mo groaned, but woke up with the others and pulled her bandanna up. They all quickly got ready and freshened up for the day and then moved out to the bitter cold, all luckily warm enough as the snow fell.

"We better start running." Atticus said.

"Come on then!" Mo was quicker than the others.

They had to stop at one point however because one racer was knocked out in the middle of the snow and Bernie came to check him over.

"Sir, are you alright?" Atticus asked.

"I think I fell off my sled..." the man mumbled.

"Oh, dear..." Mo frowned.

Bernie licked the man to soothe and relax him to bring him to.

"Are you going to be alright to start walking, sir?" Atticus asked.

"I'm not sure..." the man frowned.

"We might need to give this man a hand." Mo said as Atticus helped the man up.

"Come here, I got you." Atticus helped.

"Thank you," The man said before feeling his muscles. "You sure are strong."

"Aw, it's nothing, come on, let's get you up." Atticus replied.

The man tried to walk, but seemed to wince as he took a step forward.

"Oh, my, you must've gotten sprained." Mo winced as well to that.

"I need a doctor..." the man frowned.

Atticus then carried the man the only non-weird way. Mo stepped back to give the man some room.

"Should we still go on?" Danielle sounded impatient about staying in one spot for too long which was making her agitated.

Oddball's Adventures of Snow BuddiesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora