Chapter 2: Deathly Hallway

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It was now 2:35 am, and I was still awake. Bianca was sleeping beside me, and Brianna and Ali shared the bed next to us, but they were asleep too, leaving me the only one awake. I tried and tried to sleep, but something felt wrong to me, like, someone was watching me, but I looked around several times, and, I didn't see anyone. Its all in my head... There is no one there. But I still felt like someone was watching me. So I investigated. I looked around the room, but nothing, I looked under Bri and Ali's bed, only leaving my bed to look under. I look under, and I swore I saw something move! So I crawled back into bed. "P-Pepper? What are you doing awake so late?" "Shhhh... Bianca go to sleep" "I can't now, I wanna know why you're awake." "I felt like someone was watching me so I just looked around. But it was nothing... So go to sleep." "Okay... Night Pepper" "Night B." But what if it wasn't all in my head? What if someone is really watching? Ugh... Go to sleep, Angelina, SLEEP! I can't... I just can't... I ju- I heard a scream, it sounded like it was from another room, but it was a girl so it couldn't have been Kien or John. "Agggh... You guys heard that?" "I did! And now I'm scared..." "Oh B! You big baby! Let's go see what it was!" "Are you fucking crazy? NO WAY!" "What's the matter Bri? You scared?" "U-UM NO! LET'S GO!". So off we went to investigate the odd scream. There it was again. But this time it sounded like it came from the upper floor, so, we went up the stairs. We all screamed in horror when we saw what we did. The walls, splatter with blood, the floor, a river of blood, pouring from the lifeless corpse of a woman, that was laying on the floor. We heard footsteps coming towards us. "Go! Run! GAHH!" Then we heard Bri's footsteps, running away. SO of course we followed her out, down the stairs, and hid in the room. What were we going to do? What's wrong with this hotel? Is there some kind of murderer?! "You guys okay?" "Yea... Just a bit spooked..."Should we call the cops?" "Well no shit!" "Okay okay I'm calling the cops."

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