The problems

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A lot can happen in a span of 4 years. The world can go from a some what peaceful place to complete anarchy.

People lived in complete poverty. Only those who pledged their alliance to a man by the name of The Anarchist were allowed to live the luxury. But, those who apposed were stripped of their money and belongings and forced out of the high walls of paradise.

Those who are forced to live in the small self made shacks they called home, struggled to survive. Almost everyone was over taken with greed and kept to themselves. They hoarded what little things they had. Some even killed their own children over the thought of having to supply for them.

But, a few stayed faithful. A few had hope. They thrived on  madness of their home. They tried to fight for their freedom and to bring peace back to their world.

Just a couple of young kids trying to make a difference in a world that is against them. But, they did have some successful raids. They weren't just a group that was starting out. They were the top group in the resistance.

But... their numbers has since decreased due to The Anarchist's army growing ever stronger. Only a few teams of the group remain, spread across the lands. But that doesn't mean they gave up. They constantly recruited new members any chance they got. Though it may have not been the best choice.

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