Chapter 39

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I was pleased to wake up in Christian's arms, but I knew I would have to get home soon. Trying not to wake him I got up and out of bed.

I saw his songbook on his nightstand so I opened it up to find an empty page and write a quick note.

Flipping through the notebook, I saw a folded (but crumpled) piece of notebook paper. I wasn't planning on snooping or anything but as I started to turn the page Christian woke up.

He harshly snatched the book away from me and sat up.

"What were you doing?" He said, staring at me almost coldly.

"I promise I wasn't snooping or anything, I was just going to write you a note before I left- I didn't want to wake you."

"Next time I'd rather you wake me up."

"Christian it's no big deal I respect your privacy and I'm sorry." I said, my voice cracking. We don't argue very often and usually he would loosen up by now.

"Okay whatever." he said irritably,"You were on your way out, do you need me to walk you?"

"No I can do it, thanks." I said, slipping on my pants (only just realizing I'd been in my underwear the whole time) and my sweatshirt and closing the door quietly.

I was halfway down the street when a tear fell from my eye, and before I knew it many more started to stream down my face. I wasn't sobbing or hyperventilating, but I was crying really hard.

Of course it was then when I realized I had left my phone at Christian's house. I turned around and headed that way again.

By the time I reached his driveway he was walking towards me. I remembered to quickly wipe my eyes while he was looking down.

"Thanks." I muttered when he handed it to me.

Walking down the street one more time, a car pulled up next to me a rolled the window down.

"How long have you been out here? Get in." It was June.

I walked around and got in the passenger seat.

"Where are you coming from?" I asked quietly.

"The doctors. Mom set up an emergency appointment for me early this morning. I'm not pregnant." she said with a sigh of relief.

"What?! Then why did the tests come out positive?" I questioned.

"Well first of all, I got them from the dollar store and what i didn't realize was that they had expired. And the doctor said I was in such a rush that I might have even read it wrong."

"Wow" I said, "So much for last night."

"Yeah I'm sorry about that and I feel really bad. Can I have a do-over? Maybe you could invite Christian over tomorrow and he can decorate the tree with us." She said. I could tell she felt bad, and I didn't want Christian OR June to have bad impressions of each other, so I agreed.

"Okay, I'll see if he can."

By then we had arrived home. I quickly grabbed a granola bar and orange juice box from the kitchen and headed upstairs.

I changed into some clean pajamas and started to eat when I got a text.

Lilly💭-Hey, girls night tonight? it's been awhile


Lilly💭-My house at 7?


I'm glad I'll get to spend time with Lilly tonight. Don't get me wrong, I love hanging out with Christian, but after our weird encounter this morning I need a little time away.

I can't stop thinking about how odd the argument was. We only exchanged a few words but it escalated so quickly. Everything seemed okay with Christian last night, maybe he was just cranky or something.

I'll talk to him soon enough, just when I think the time is right. So for now I'm going to try to keep my mind off of it.

OKAY SO I know this is pretty short and I took down the other chapter 39 so just pretend it didn't happen haha sorry okay um yeah sorry this is short but I feel like it's quality makes up for it compared to what I had before.

What's going on with Christian?¿?
Fine out next chapter on,,


All Because of Him. | Christian Akridge/Christian LeaveWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt