Piercing Green

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(This is the part I wrote in English class)
I turned around and faced a Green-eyed man then let out a deafening scream. His face was Blood-stained, I felt like puking from the metallic oder of the blood that stained his clothes and face. He's stared into my eyes this time my screams were noiseless.when he heard my screams he cringed as if I was torturing him. I ran to the left to get away from him but he mimicked my movements. Then I hurried running to the right and his face changed into one of excitement. Apparently he's having fun with making me scared. So I stood still for a bit while he slowly got closer to me smiling a wide creepy grin spread across his face. But it's seemed like a sort of genuine grin scary but kind of cute it was like he was meeting someone for the first time.

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