My lip trembled like soft thunder, a storm just beginning. Much like the rain, teardrops were forming inside my iridescent pupils. I knew how sensitive I was, and I also knew that I didn't want to face what was ahead of me."Make me breakfast." Michael groaned beside me. When I didn't immediately sprint to the kitchen, he roughly shoved me causing me to fall onto the hard floor.
It wasn't rare nor was it a surprise, but it still hurt deep inside my soul. One more bruise that I would have to cover up, at that point that's all it was.
I brushed myself off and began breakfast; multitasking between the eggs, bacon and smoothie which was for myself. A breath got stuck inside my throat when I smelled something burning and noticed the once yellow eggs were black.
"Sh*t." I panicked, rushing to throw away the ruined food and start over before Michael woke up.
"What the f*ck is burning you dumb b*txh!" He yelled in rage, making me whimper. I didn't bother with a response, I figured I'd save myself by not backchatting. Minutes later he entered the room and slumped into his chair at the table.
I served him his food along with two blue pills for his headache. He dismissed me before scarfing the food down, not even gracing me with a simple 'thanks'. I knew I shouldn't have expected anything, let alone something so kind, but my mind kept comparing him to Calum and it made me sulk.
"You have work til seven, so I'll see you at seven thirty tonight. Bye babe." Michael kissed me on my forehead before leaving me alone in the stuffy apartment.
I worried about seeing Calum and pondered on skipping work, but I knew I couldn't afford to miss another shift. I prayed that all would go smoothly before taking a nap as Calum's favorite movie played on the tv.
C a l u m
I couldn't seem to concentrate on any task that was brought to me, my mind was stuck on that goddamn girl.
The image of her in the rain with that purple bruise framing her eye left me upset; I wanted, no I had, to find out what was going on. She was as pure as the flowers she sold, why was she bruised like a street fighter?
The bells that hung on the shop's door rang, indicating someone had entered. "Mikey! Long time, no see." Luke exclaimed, catching my attention from the sketch I was drawing. I had recognized him from Luke's Instagram, they had been friends for awhile but I never had indulged into a friendship with him, something just seemed off.
"Hey man! And Calum, isn't it?" The tall man said, and I nodded.
"I just wanted to stop by, haven't seen you in awhile!" Michael smiled, taking a seat at one of the comfy chairs in the entrance.
"Me and Cal are having a small get together, why don't you come?" Luke offered, and looked at me with pushy eyes to drop a hint.
"Oh yeah you should totally stop by." I added, and he delightfully agreed. I snatched a pen before scribbling down my address and apartment number like I had done earlier for Brynn. In all honestly, hanging out with Michael was the last thing I wanted to do but I put the repetitive words of my mother saying not to judge a book by its cover to use. Who knows, maybe we'd end up as friends?
"Is it alright if I bring my girlfriend? She'll be lonely if I leave her all alone." He asked. Of course I said yes, and soon he left the shop with promises to see us soon.
Time passed quickly with all the work to be done and before I knew it I was pouring chips into a bowl for the get together. It was Luke's idea; he claimed that I had been acting "depressed" and I needed to get my fire back in ignition. So I sent a few nonchalant texts and secretly hoped that none of them would show up.
"Clifford is here!" Luke playfully yelled as I opened a can of root beer, and I turned around to greet him; when everything stopped.
"This is my girlfriend, Brynn."
I KNOW this is short I'm sorry, but I wanted to update! This is one of my books that I question the quality of, does anyone like this at all? Let me know!
Vote and comment if you want to be a really nice person! If you're feeling extra sweet, go back and vote on all the chapters! It would be a great early birthday present for me, since my bday is in a few days! Alright, I'll stop rambling.

tattoo shop :: cth
Fanfictionhe works in a tattoo shop. she works in a flower shop. what happens when he gets tangled in her mess? "I don't need you to fix me, I need you to love me while I fix myself."