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Christa's best friend, Vivienne Sinclair slid onto the chair next to her. The friends had greeted each other and started to talk about the day's occurrence at the infamous Seaton High School. Shortly afterwards the crowds seemed to part in the middle as the heiress's of the school flipped their blonde hair over their shoulders and strutted to their table. All the boys that thought they had a chance flocked to their table like ants did to a tiny bit of crumbs. In Christa's mind she thought it was all very overrated.

"Christa, I want you to be like them," Vivienne stated still staring at the scene in front of them.

"What?" Christa replied sharply.

"I want you to be like them, I want you to be one of them." She said speaking slowly and emphasising every word as if she was speaking to a two-year old.

"Vivienne! You cant be serious! I cannot be like them." Christa's voice was starting to rise, "Have you seen me? I am an absolute nobody and you want me, your best and only friend, to leave you and go and be friends with them?" She spat out, as if those girls were the devils themselves.

"Well, yeah, I mean, I always wanted to be one of the popular girls but I could never do it. Now here I am offering you the chance that I never had."

"No that is an absolutely absurd idea. Sorry Vivienne but it's a no," Christa started to pack up her lunch.

"Please Christa, for me,"

The look on Vivienne's face could be compared to a puppy begging for food. Vivienne really wanted her to do it, so why not? It's not like Christa would end up being best friends with them.

"Okay, but only because you basically begged me to," Christa finally conceded into Vivienne's demands.

"Yay!" Vivienne screamed, "I'll pick up some fashion magazines. We need to hit the shops this afternoon. Rule #2 in the popularity rule book – it's all about the clothes."

Christa laughed, "What's rule number one?"

"Confidence," Vivienne smirked, "something which I greatly lack,"

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