Safe and Sound

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A/N: Kanera fic because I'm obsessed. There will be major non-canon character death later on (sorry not sorry). I have no idea how this will turn out, I barely even have a plot so if you have any problems just say something. Finally, this is a trash fic and isn't meant to be good.

{Before Siege of Lothal}

"Kanan," Hera whispered. She stood in the doorway to his chambers on The Ghost, they had saved him from his prison cell a few hours ago, and were awaiting orders from Commander Sato and Ahsoka Tano who, luckily, had stepped in and now, for the first time in weeks, the crew could 'relax'. Well, until they got their orders, it had been hours of waiting around and small squabbles that drove everyone insane.
Kanan whipped his head around, slightly startled by Hera's sudden appearance. He sat on his bunk, his hair down and usual armour and shirt replaced by a murky green tank top. His eyes looked hollowed; bruises, cuts, scars and burns of all types were plastered all over his bare skin. He had reassured the crew that the Empire hadn't injured him, but Hera knew that those scars weren't there when he left.
"Hera, it's nothing, really." Kanan's voice was soft, hurt, causing Hera to whimper, tears building up in her eyes. He got up to walk to her but collapsed onto the steel floor, hissing in pain.

That's when Hera's heart shattered

Tears ran from her eyes, no matter how hard she tried to regain herself, she couldn't. Everytime she had cried it had been silent, she never allowed her pain to be heard; but seeing the man who was usually so strong, so confident, heave himself off the floor trying not to a scene left her cold. What had they done to her hero? The one who was always chillaxed, cocky, loving, brave; even in these dark times? What had happened to him in that cell? What had those monsters done to him? Hera could only guess until Kanan opened up to her. But, how long would it take for him to talk? She could imagine him, having those ghastly nightmares about his interrogation and then no one to help him recover. And that's when it happened; for the first time in six years, Hera lost it infront of the one she loved. Her sobs were violent, gradually growing louder until her chest and head ached in a sort of pain that she had never felt before. Kanan just sat there dumbfound. Hera had never broken down like this before. Yeah, she had cried before around Kanan but rarely since Zeb and the kids arrived. He knew that she had to stay tough, even when it's hardest, but this? This was horrible. Seeing Hera in this state made his heart throb, but at the same time gave him courage, courage that he could help her, comfort her in her time of need.

Kanan finally managed to haul himself off the floor and stumbled his way over to Hera. He wrangled her into his arms and slowly lowered them both to the floor, only for Hera to scream into Kanan's shoulder as he rubbed one of his hands down her back while making soothing, reassuring noises.
"Shh, it's okay, luv. I'm right here, see? Everything's gonna be okay, I promise." He forced a weak smile, despite the fact that she couldn't see his face.
"K-K-K-Kanan..." She sobbed, a new wave of hot tears trailing down her face, causing Kanan to pull her closer and kiss her forehead gently. Suddenly, there was a small knock on the door causing the couple to look up, Kanan's arms still encircled the small of Hera's back.
"Hera...?" Sabine's voice was quiet, scared. "Me and Ezra can hear you from the common room. Is everything alright? We were starting to get worried."
"Y-yeah. I'm fine, Sabine, you don't have to worry about me." Hera sniffed. Sabine didn't reply for a few moments but Kanan could sense that she was still present.
"...Okay. Um, bye." Sabine mumbled, the sound of her footsteps echoing down the hall, followed by the small murmur of conversation.
"I'm sorry sweetie." Hera whispered in the direction of the door, knowing that Sabine wouldn't hear her unless she was in the room.

Kanan pulled Hera into a gentle kiss before her cries escalated again.
"It's okay to cry, luv, I'm not gonna judge you." Kanan whispered against her lips.
"What about the kids? We need to set an example, Kanan, we need to be strong for them." Hera had be determined to act confident to show the two teens that there was hope, unfortunately, holding everything back made her feel worse and worse and she often did break down in her cabin at night.
"You don't, Hera, you really don't. Do you remember when 'Bine first joined us? She spent ages freaking out over the littlest of things, she'll understand." Kanan placed his bearded chin on her capped forehead, causing her to shuffle closer into his embrace, scared that he'd disappear when she wasn't looking. "You've supported every single person in this crew and never judged them once, despite how petty the situation may of been, I doubt that they'd ever judge you."
Hera reached her shaking hand up, placing them on Kanan's cheek before pulling him into another kiss, her husband taking her hands in his to attempt to stop the shaking. Slowly Kanan pulled away, staring lovingly at his broken wife.
"It's our anniversary." The jedi chuckled, causing Hera to look up and smile back.
"How many years now? Five?" She questioned, drying her eyes with the back of her hands.
"Four. It seems like it's been much longer though, doesn't it?" Hera let out a hearty laugh before she shuffled closer into her caring man.
"Remember that nice little apartment we stayed in on Naboo? The one with the gungans in the wardrobe?" The injured Jedi placed his forehead between both of her Le'kku, gently kissing the base before he lifted his hand slightly, calling for a blanket with the force, draping it over the bodies.
"I love you more than anything else in the entire universe, Hera." Kanan muttered, his beautiful Twi'lek sighing happily beneath him.
"I love you too, Caleb."

This story is dedicated to _x_CherryBlossom_x_ , the person who spent roughly 6 hours sharing my love for Kanera with me after her little discovery on KissCartoon.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2020 ⏰

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