Chapter 1

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I can't even describe to you the amount of times I've been called a 'Freak' by my sister Petunia. I mean my mother says its jealousy, which is understandable I have the gift of magic and my sister is just a mere Muggle (non magic) I also go to the legendary school Hogwarts, not to brag. It's just passed Christmas and the next term at Hogwarts is coming and I couldn't be more excited. 

I intend to make the most of my Hogwarts experience, I'm a prefect this year and I've been working to be chosen as head girl for my 7th and final year. It wouldn't hurt for me to meet a good looking guy while I'm there but no such luck right now, although my friends Alice and Marley say that James Potter would be a perfect match. 

No thanks. 

I'd rather be stepped on by a giant than date Potter, I mean don't get me wrong Potter is a good looking guy with his black scruffy looking hair and perfect jaw line but he's a complete prat! He thinks that making fun of other students insecurities is a good way to get me attention. He especially makes an example of making fun of my best friend Severus. 

Severus and I are an unlikely match and most peoples eyes are glued to us whenever we are together, I mean he has greasy long black hair and quite a large nose, but he's a nice person, kind of. He has his moments just like all of us, most of his rants are about James and his friends, which i get they make his school life hell although sometimes he does bring it on himself, but i always feel this constant need to protect him. My mother thinks I should get with Severus, my father and I share the same view, no thank you, it's not that he isn't a nice guy, it's just he's a little wimpy I prefer somebody who can stick up for themselves whilst seeing logically, but obviously with the boys who attend Hogwarts that's just too much to ask. The boys are either too stuck up or they're exactly like Potter and bunch of baffoons. 

Unlike me Petunia seems to think she's met the man she's going to marry, he sounds barbaric. His name is Vernon Dursley even his name is a little strange, I know Lily Evans isn't exactly a table turner but Petunia Evans sounds a whole cake better than Petunia Dursley. I know my sister sounds like the ultimate brat but when mum and dad aren't around she's actually a nice person, I don't understand why she puts on this act for them because it just gives me the attention she constantly argues I get too much off. But this Vernon guy sounds like the biggest snob in England, it sounds horrible but i feel like he will bring out the worst in her, change her to be like the person she is around mum and dad, I know that isn't Petunia. A number of times she's even admitted that she thought it was cool that i could do magic, and she was always interested about my stories i brought home each term, she seems to be intrigued by Potter's 'obsession' with me and thinks that I should lay down some rules like no bullying, no pranks, stuff like that, basically the stuff that makes up James Potter and if he manages to do it I should give him a chance. 

To be honest I'm seriously considering it, Potter is a good looking guy, he's also not the worst person in the world, i think he's actually really sweet but puts on his brat exterior so all the girls go crazy for him and his pals. But how many girls can say that James Potter, the 'stud' of Hogwarts has asked them out on a date eveeeerrryyy day for the last two years, non, and what girl can say that James Potter has written love notes, well his version of what a love note is, every single week since 3rd year, non, AND what girl can say that James Potter has pulled the most perfectly executed prank on a teacher just to look like the 'bad boy' he is, no- actually most of Hogwarts, and not just the girls....

Anyway, I better get packed, we return to school tomorrow and I haven't even packed my trunk, nice going Lily. Okay chill don't panic, what do you need? uniform, check, prefect schedule and badge, check, scarf just in case it's still nippy, check, books, check, Muggle books for a bit of night reading, check, family picture, check, stationary equipment, check, spare quills, check, lady products, check, bath essentials, check. Okay I've packed everything i can think off, no doubt I've forgotten something I do it every year and mum has to owl me it all in a package, i can only imagine it gets a bit tiring. OH CRAP MY WAND, I swear Lily Evans if your head wasn't attached to your body you would lose it. 

'Lily you all packed' I think so, eh what the hell I probably have most of it, like I said mum and dad can owl me the rest. After dinner mum, dad and Petunia start with the usual what you going to do when you get back to Hogwarts questions. I don't know how they expect me to know i'm not even at Hogwarts yet just because i'm a witch doesn't mean i'm telepathic. 

Everything was running smoothly until Petunia piped up, 

'So are you going to take my advise on James' I just glared at her, I know she asked innocently but the grilling I was about to get was anything but innocent, after the chorus of 'who's James' Petunia decided to go into more depth and I really wish she wouldn't.

'Well James Potter is a boy at Hogwarts who has the biggest crush you've ever heard of on our dear lily here, He's been writing her cute love notes for the past 3 years and last year and the 3 months of this year he's asked her out every single day without fail. I think he sounds great but lily says he's a massive show off who pranks people to get Lily's attention, and by the way she talks about his scruffy black hair, perfect jawline and just how amazing his eyes are when he laughs it's obvious Lily's completely in love with him although she doesn't want to admit it.'

She didn't. There's no way she just said that. I sit across from Petunia with the same expression as my parents,shocked. Petunia sits with a smirk on her face as if to say 'ha got ya', I can't believe she just did that! I don't talk about James that i?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2016 ⏰

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