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"hyung can I not go today? I'm really need to finish this homework due tomorrow and I haven't done anything" jungkook said nibbling on his sandwich from the school's cafeteria.

It was lunch time and everyone was now in their tables at the canteen. He, Namjoon, Jimin and Taehyung sat at back of the canteen, where everyone feared to go. No one even dared to sat beside or even approach them. It might sound clichè but they are the 'bad boys' of the school.

They were always so rude and late at everything. They bullied some really innocent freshmen's if they were bored. They just kind of got that kind of reputation and now everyone's afraid of them.

"jungkook we all do, but we need to do this" jimin muttered quietly leaning in a bit closer so that he was close enough for jungkook to hear. Jungkook frowned and slowly nodded going back to eating his sandwich

"you can just bring your things there, you guys can sleep over at my house. My parents are out of the country anyways" namjoon said to the three boys around him.

"right okay that's a good idea" taehyung said nodding along.

wednesday's were their 'clean' up day. They would go back to the locked abandoned event center and clean up the mess they did. Usually meant by dragging the dead bloody bodies to the forest and burying them, cleaning up the bloody stains on the floor and hours of washing the blood stained masks where they cover the dead bodies.

jungkook didn't find it gory at all, he was used to seeing these things and he doesn't scrunch his nose when he see's the foul sight and he doesn't feel any regret

and that scared him a bit

"hyung I'll just go to the bathroom real quick" jungkook said standing up from his seat brushing of the bread crumbs at the back of his pants before the three nodded.

jungkook walked towards the bathroom with all eyeson his as he walked out of the canteen. He felt very uncomfortable with the states and the mutters from the people but he was used to it, every damn time.

jungkook walked out and heads towards the hallway. His black slick boots clicking each step he took, he ran a hand through his slicked black hair placing his free hand in his pocket. He looked down at his boots as he walked completely un-aware of where he was going

He soon found himself on the ground with his but aching. He looked furious and angry he looked up at the person who he had bumped into. He looked straight towards him intimidation is his eyes "yah! watch it!" jungkook said mad as he stared up at the grey haired boy

To his surprise, the boy didn't move at all and was stood frozen staring at his face, a blank look on his face "are you a pabo? say sorry idiot" jungkook hissed, mad at the situation. He stood up and brushed of his jeans then looked back at the boy who shrugged in response

"who do you think you are huh?" jungkook said leaning closer to the boy. He took steps closer until they were a about 20 inches apart

"yoongi" the guy said in response clearly bored at the situation. He was not interested to start a fight and he just needed to go back to the canteen where hoseok was

"look yoongi pabo, I don't think you know who I am and I don't think you know what I can do so I suggest you keep your little mouth shut and just say sorry" jungkook hissed, towering over the small body frame of yoongi. Yoongi didn't feel as vulnerable as he thought he would, sometime he thanked his genes for making his naturally act like a grandpa and not care at all

"sorry" yoongi finally said in a forced tone swerving away from jungkook's frame and headed towards the canteen like nothing happened "bitch"

jungkook was shocked at yoongi, at how much he didn't care at all and how he didn't even bother flinching. This was the first time he had ever seen someone not react around him except for his friends of course

and he hated it

he felt the need to take control all the time. He liked the feeling of being powerful and being listened to. It made him feel more special than he had felt.

at this point jungkook was confused

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