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/ Graces POV \

"Grace! Come on you don't wanna be late!" Leon yells hurrying me to finish my hair. "Calm down Leon we still have 2 hours." I laugh, "but we won't be at the front!!" He punches my arm playfully. "With 2 hours to go Leon I doubt we'll be near the front either way." He groans.

After 5 more minutes.

"Okay I'm done!" He cheers as we jump in the car, his older brother is driving us. It takes 45 minutes and we finally arrive.

Leon groans "The line is so long!" Loads of people are already screaming bring me the horizon songs, it's pretty awesome.

We go join the line as someone taps me on the shoulder. "There's been a request that you and your friend go right to the front, follow me." We get out the line as he lets us get to the front. "This is so cool!!!" Leon's screams, bmth is his favourite band. You could say his listened to them for years.

After a long waiting time the gates finally open, "you guys can go" we get pushed through the door. Our tickets get collected and we are right at the front, this is so cool!" A band is setting up all their equipment whilst we're waiting for everyone else to come on.

I check my phone to see if I have any messages from Lynn, which I don't.
Everyone is finally in now as the first support band comes on, everyone starts cheering. WOOOO! This vibe is amazing, they start playing songs, they're pretty good if I'm honest.

They play around 5 songs, "we're lower then Atlantis, we hope you enjoy the next support band PARIS!"
Three boys come on the stage and start setting up, sorting out their bass and guitars etc. Then a familiar face comes on the stage, "Leon!! It's LYNN!!!" I shout Lynn really loudly as she turns round and smiles at me.

"So uhhh - we're Paris. I'm fucking shitting this, this is quite a big venue and well you know how it is. Support bands are just here to get known and you guys will be like "ew get of the stage we want bring me." So you know lets get on with this!!" The drummer starts counting down, "this songs called My house!" They play a large blast of music, she really owns the stage. Her voice is just amazing.

She comes over to the edge of the stage and she holds people's hands, when she gets to mine she just holds it and looks at me. Lots of people are screaming, they're brilliant.

"Guys this is our last song - this is called.........." She pauses and stares into the crowd, "LET THEM IN!" She yells. She really gets into this music, it's really impressive. Jumping up and down, waving her hair all over the place, her mini screams in between songs, telling people to jump. This is how things get started.

"Thank you guys, you sure know how to rock! We'll be meeting people at our merch table, signing, pictures whatever! Let's give it up for BRING ME THE HORIZON!!!" She yells running off of the stage as Ollie screams "SLEEPWALKINGG!!" There's lots more people screaming, people jumping and screaming the lyrics to all the songs. They play all the songs from their album 'sempiternal.'

"Okay guys that's all tonight, give it up for LOWER THEN ATLANTIS AND PVRIS!!!" Everyone screams. "Thank you all for coming, good night!" They all run off of the stage. People are still cheering, especially Leon.

People are making their way to all the merch tables, "Leon I need to go see Lyndsey." He nods and smiles. I get a tap on the shoulder by the same guy from earlier. "Follow me." He takes hold of my hand and I grab Leon, he take us backstage to get to the merch table quicker. We get to Lynn merch table as she sees me, she smiles and runs over to me.
"Grace, I'm sorry for being a asshole and not telling you about some things." I shake my head "don't be, you done great out there. You really belong to the stage!" She hugs me. "You think so?" She smiles. I nod, "Grace, let me make it up to you. I'll pick you up tomorrow at 2:30 ok?" I nod. "Okay cool, I got to go get some pictures and stuff signed. See you tomorrow!"

Leon's brother is outside, we get in. "You guys stink of B.O" he laughs. "It was so good!!!" Leon yells. "I could tell."

They drop me off home, "thank you for tonight" Leon smiles and nods.

I make my way to my bedroom and I can say it didn't take long for me to sleep at all. I'm quite excited for tomorrow if I'm honest.

Lynn❤️: Thank you for your support, I'll see you tomorrow xxxx

You: See you soon then. xxx

Lynn❤️: See you soon then :) xxx

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