The Other Times

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When people say once upon a time, what do they mean? Do they mean the story only happened once in time and that it can never be re-created? Or do they mean that there is more than just one time? Because there is. Generations ago, people knew about the different times, but technology has destroyed the knowledge of the different times. Before electricity, before the discovery of currents, the world was a very different place. People were separated into the time zones. Not time as in 17th century and the 21st century, but times that people nowadays couldn’t understand. They called it ‘The Other Times’. The other times was the longest ever period which the different times had stayed different. But sadly, the older the earth got, the newer people wanted to be. They wanted to create new times of their own which they could control, but this could not be done. The Other Times were the ground rules of the new earth, and breaking them would clash all the times together, creating horror for all people. There were many stories and tales which were told when The Other Times still existed, some of the stories are still told today. One of the most famous was Alice in Wonderland. But it was no Wonderland. She fell in between the boundaries of two time worlds, causing mayhem to go on in her mind. But, the most famous of The Other Time stories is ‘Aiki, Leader of Hitai’s’.

The story was based thousands of years ago, were songs only just started to be sung. Wind had started to blow and trees started to grow. Back then, Earth only had three time worlds. They had ‘The Kreetors’ the creators of nature, ‘The Sislatics’ the people of the water, and ‘The Flamters’ the fire gods. When the winds blew around the Earth, it carried small bits of every time world, meaning that the worlds were slowly colliding together. The clans were wary about the collisions of the worlds and made strict rules about outsiders and love between different clans. Even though these rules were law, there were a few occasions were people from different clans would come together to mate as a pair. This never came unnoticed though. The leaders of the clans would throw out any people which had been crossed bred. These people would go to ‘The Dark Layers’. The Dark Layers was a place in between the time worlds and the centre of the Earth. Things down there were changing too quickly for the Leaders and they had no choice but to put people there so that they will stop the changes of the Earth.

All of the Leaders had one child. The leader of The Sislatics had daughter called Aiki, after the shimmer in the water. She was the only daughter out of the three children of the Leaders. The Kreetors son was called Kane, meaning warrior of life. And The Flamters son was called Leo, after the brightest suns. These three children were betroved when they were all babies so that they would know there place in the clans. The different clans had very different aspects on life. The Kreetors thought that life was a growing connection, slowly but surely building up its branches, but then one day it would fall and go away. The Sislatics thought of life as a water droplet, it goes through rough times and smooth times, but no matter how hard it is, it would just keep on going, never ending. And the Flamters thought of life as a volcano, once it erupts, you can’t go back to change it. None of the clans were wrong about Earth, but the clans knew that they weren’t completely right. The winds gradually got worse and worse over time causing the worlds to slowly collide together. The scientists back then tried everything, well almost everything.

By the time that the winds had started to move the worlds together the children of the Leaders were 18, the age that they must mate to start their new life as leader. The children’s new partners were picked by the leaders with the guidance from their wise men.  In previous generations, the children were fine with their partners, but in recent generations, they have not been happy and have found others to marry. Because they have done this many of the children have been put into The Dark Layers and have stayed there for their life. As the time grew nearer an nearer for the children to get married, they all became more and more angry about the situation. All of the children decided to stand up and tell their parents how they felt. But the parents reacted differently to how they thought they would, instead of them understanding and letting them have their own choices, they threw them into The Dark Layers. And this is where are story begins...

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