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// felt like I owed the Destiny readers an update, so here goes //

she felt the pain before she open her eyes to see the cause of it. robyn's wrists were stinging, and she could feel that they were tied together to something. she felt cramped, as if she was in a small space, and as her eyes opened groggily she realised that she was in a closet.

there was a man sitting beside her, he was wearing a dark hoodie, the hood covering his hair. he had bright blue eyes and robyn looked away because she saw that they were staring right at her.

"hi. welcome to my closet," the man said, then chuckled. his voice was really deep, and the sadistic laugh kind of scared robyn.

"i don't really feel very welcome. could you please let me go?" she knew it was pointless asking, but robyn felt that there was no harm in asking.

he just laughed again, making her flinch. "what would be the fun in that?"

that was when he pulled out a pocket knife, and robyn was about to scream when he put a hand over her mouth. "i just want to know one thing, sweetheart, then i'll let you go. there doesn't have to be any blood spilled or any pain caused," he said, while a few tears ran down robyn's cheeks.

she just nodded, indicating that she'd tell him anything he needed to know.

his knife played with the ends of her hair, and he smiled as he watched it. "do you know a man called ashton irwin?" he cocked his head to the side, gazing intently into her eyes.

her hands started pulling at the bonds around her wrists. "what does any of this have to do with me? why'd you take me?" she said as soon as he took his hand away from her mouth so she could answer him.

he frowned. "that doesn't answer my question, sweet cheeks."

the nicknames made her want to gag, especially coming from such a sadistic man.

"that doesn't answer my question," robyn retorted.

he growled, now getting angry. "i just need to know if an ashton irwin works here, that's all, cupcake."

robyn flinched away from him as the knife stroked she collar bone. "i don't know that name! but why are you asking me? just ask the reception or something!"

"what do you take me for, an idiot?" he asked. robyn started to get confused, why would assign reception mean he was an idiot? surely it would actually make him a bit smarter? "i already did."

robyn gulped. that would mean he knew that she lied.

"now, why don't you tell me the truth. what relation are you to dr. irwin, robyn?"

she froze, he knew her name, he knew way more than she'd anticipated.

the knife flew to her throat, making her catch her breath and her heart rate to speed up even more that it was already. "i'm a nurse to one of his patients! that's all!"

he grinned, a scary, crazy smile that made the hairs on her neck stand on end. "oh, that's all? really? because i've heard otherwise. why don't you just ask danny?"

robyn's heart stopped. no way could he know about danny, that was something only her and ashton had known, they promised to keep it between them, forever.

"hi, let me introduce myself. i'm luke hemmings."

and the blackness came back.

* * *

running had always been robyn's best skill, and she used it to her advantage as she ran down the hallways looking for dr. irwin. she had woken up, wrists untied, in the closet, but this time it was empty. luke had left a cut on her wrist, just to remind her of their conversation. she knew it was leave a scar.

her heart was pounding as she searched every room for him, but she couldn't find him anywhere. eventually, she came to michael's room and saw him sitting on his bed, staring at the door. he met her eyes and frowned.

she entered the room and he immediately said, "so i see you've met luke." he nodded to her wrist, which she had been covering up, and robyn just nodded. she no longer felt surprised when michael knew something he shouldn't.

she went to sit next to him, and he took her wrist, his finger tracing the air above the scar, careful not to touch it.

"it's shaped as an L, see?" he said, tracing it again to show her.

she stared at it, dumbfounded. "what's it supposed to mean? i don't understand... i don't understand any of it."

"danny was luke's adopted brother." michael said to robyn, looking right into her eyes. her breath caught in her throat. that was the last piece of the puzzle she needed. luke had already told her enough, but that last bit of information put it all together.

she stood up, her heart pounding again, and she looked at michael. "i need to go, ashton... i think he's in trouble."

"check the high-risk patients' ward." michael mumbled as she left the room. she nodded her thanks to him and locked the door behind her, taking off down the hallways yet again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2016 ⏰

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