Chapter XXI

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            If you had thought things could not get any worse, then you will be sorely disappointed. As fate would have it, you get hopelessly lost in the Trancy house. Not to mention, there does not seem to be a single weapon in sight. Nothing, not one useful object.

You stumble as your mind drifts from the task of running. Leaning on the wall for support, panting like dog, pain flares at your side with every shallow breath you take. Shaking fingers, brush against the covered wound, which unfortunately has reopened. Blood spots the nightgown as it soaks through the bandages. You grind your teeth in agony. The stitches must have ripped while you were running.

A weapon, I need to find something I can fight with, breathing deeply, you push off the wall and walk to the nearest door. The adrenaline now wearing off, the pain in your side begins to grow. Every step sends a jolt of pain through you. Ignoring the agonizing burn at your side, you open the door. Initially, the room offers nothing, except the wardrobe catches your eye.

Hobbling to the over sized, stand-alone closet your foot snags on Persian rug causing you to fall. Landing was a painful endeavor. As your injured side colliding with the hard floor, moisture gathers at your eyes as pain smarts in your side. Looking back at the disturbed rug, you sit up slowly, kicking the rug to expose the wood boards beneath it. The edge of one the boards stick up haphazardly, as if someone were in a hurry and neglected to place it back properly. You lean over and grasp the edge with both hands. With a heave, you push the planking out of the way.

The telltale dull glint of an unpolished nozzle catches your eye. You lie on your stomach and reach down, your fingers just brushing the cold metal. Straining, you fumble with the gun, knocking it in and out of your reach before finally getting a good grip. Bringing the weapon up, you inch yourself into a sitting position and lean against the wardrobe.

After taking a few deep breaths, you hull yourself to your feet. Keeping an eye on the window, you walk on shaking legs to the door, and lean against the frame as you inch your way out of the room. Only a few paces away from you the wall explodes. You duck, shielding your head with your arms as bits of stone and shrapnel fly through the air.

Hesitantly, you lower your arms. An animalistic growl comes from the pile of rubble where it landed against the far wall. A single fuchsia orb glares from beneath the fallen stone. You squeak at the murderous gleam in the eye that immediately flicks to your form. Turning, you limp, as swiftly as possible your slightly twisted ankle would allow. The demon bursts from his rocky confinement, flying towards your retreating form. He easily overtakes you, pinning you to the ground and roughly turning you onto your back.

Claude's eyes returned to their normal golden color, insanity giving the irises an unnerving shine. With one hand, he grips your wrists and the other holds a sharpened, gold knife to your neck.

"Maybe I should just kill you right now. It would save my master and me the trouble of forcing you to comply. After all, I don't need a half-angel to kill another demon." The knife in his hand presses into the skin of your neck. A thin line of blood slithers out.

Claude freezes, you follow suit, not wanting to anger the demon further. Then you hear the voice.

"Claude, I thought I said no more blood is to leave that girl's body."

"Of course master but, I needed to teach her a lesson."

You risk a glance backwards, craning your neck to see Alois. He carries Excalibur, the glow the blade once emitted now dimmed by the blood covering it. The blonde then commands his butler, "Remove yourself from the princess,"

Lips of an Angel, Eyes of a Demon {A Black Butler Reader-Insert}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora