The Discovery

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"Come on Ranger, we need to get to the market before the noon rush" I said lightly tugging on my wolf's collar, he started pulling me towards the side part of the path. He kept sniffing around one area until he stopped and dug something up, I walked over and found myself looking at an old looking book that had a purple gem set into the middle of the cover and unreadable symbols carved into the leather. As I picked it up the gem glowed for a moment then darkened again. I flicked through the pages and noticed that all but the first few were completely blank. I looked one of the first pages and there was a picture of a green crystal and what looked like a description. "we'll have to read this later" I said putting the book into my satchel and standing up. "Hurry up Ranger" I called, jogging down the path. The ever-loyal wolf ran up beside me as we entered the marketplace. 

Two hours later,I was sitting in the tavern with Ranger lying on the floor next to me. I pulled the book out of my satchel and opened the book to the first page.

 'Every item, object, or creature is bound by varying mystical elements known as aspects. Aspects describe the objects makeup and bent toward the magical elements. A simple stone may possess the aspect of Terra while more complex items like trees or even creatures can be made up of various different aspects in varying amounts. There are close to 50 known aspects with more being discovered all the time.

There are two main types of aspects: Primal and Compound.

Primal Aspects are the most basic types of aspects and there are only six of them: Aer (air), Terra(earth), Ignis (fire), Aqua (water), Ordo (order), and Perditio (chaos).

These form the basic building blocks of all other aspects.

Compound Aspects are built from two other aspects. The simplest compound aspects are made from two primal aspects, but it is possible to have incredibly complex compound aspects made from successive layers of simpler aspects.'

Aspects that have somehow been separated from their object and purified is known as Vis  and is very valuable: both as a crafting ingredient and as a subject for magical research."

"Vis is most often bound into wands, but it is also possible to store it as a magical liquid. Vis  stored as a liquid known as Essentia. There is also an unreachable sub-Vis network that has an untold amount of  Vis. Many thaumaturges have tried and failed to reach this network"

 I flipped to the next page, finding the green crystal I saw when I first opened the book. 

'The Primordium is the most powerful and complex device left behind by the Forebearers. The Primordium greatly amplifies a thaumaturge's power by permanently attaching to the hosts chest and allowing them to siphon vis from the sub-vis network. It seems to have been cursed, as the last thaumaturge to use the Primordium became corrupted and attempted to destroy all of Aspen. He was eventually defeated by the combined efforts of  every official thaumaturge in the kingdom. Sadly most of them perished. The citizens of Aspen began to fear thaumaturges, so they attacked them and wiped out almost every remaining thaumaturge in Aspen.'

"wow" I exclaimed "that's some scary stuff" Ranger barked at me and I looked at him, then out the window. "It's getting dark Ranger, Lets go home" I said putting the book back into my satchel and standing up.


This is my first story on Wattpad.

constructive criticism is welcome.

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