dear God

18 1 0

Dear God, I am sorry.
I'm sorry I've been away for too long, I'm sorry that I forgot how to breathe your love, I'm sorry that I'm not strong enough.
I'm sorry that my hate surpasses my love, I'm sorry that my brain begins to manufacture different realities that are not achievable. I'm sorry that my soul is poisoned, I'm sorry that I've failed to be a daughter, a sister and a human. I'm sorry that my happiness relies on a blade, I'm sorry that I've made myself fear of myself.  I'm sorry that the demon will never surrender, I'm sorry that I feed him with my thoughts and my words. I'm sorry that I can't take it anymore. I'm sorry that good things happen to those who do bad things, I'm sorry that my life is bullshit, I'm sorry that depression is the only thing that haunts me, I'm sorry that I'll never be as happy as once I was and I'll never see the sun again
I'm also sorry that you don't listen, I'm sorry that you let this happen, I'm sorry that I believe you love me, I'm sorry that you let me go, I'm sorry that I can't seem to get a grip on my life. I'm sorry that I'll never be alive

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