Clean me off I'm so dirty babe (you/Gerard Way)

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(A/N so you might be able to guess what happens so enjoy!)

After a long night you open the door to see your boyfriend gerard casually laying on the sofa with popcorn and about to put on a movie "Great timing babe" he says moving his legs and sitting up so you can sit next to him. The movie starts and you lay your head on his shoulder breathing in his scent "Mmm you smell like popcorn" you giggle as he smiles at you "So what are we watching?" you ask him he chuckles "Sweeny Todd" after he says that you both fall silent while watching the movie.

Around halfway through the movie you fall asleep head still resting on Gerard's shoulder. You wake up just as the credits come up, you look around seeing Gerard isn't here you get up to go find him "Gee where are you?" you call out, after a few seconds with no reply you go in the kitchen and see him standing over something.

A few moments later he turns round with blood over the green apron he's wearing you gasp as he comes up to you and leans in he whispers with a evil glint in his eye "Clean me off I'm so dirty babe" his hot breath fanning over your ear your eyes widen as you see the knife he's holding "Gee bear please no, don't please" you beg tears flowing down your face. He stabs you in the stomach and pulls out the knife quickly giggling, the last thing you see is him licking the blood off of the sharp blade.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2013 ⏰

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