I : Life is Short

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     You're going to fail in life. Thousands of times. You will try your absolute best and give it all you have but you will still end up failing. You won't always succeed the first couple of time and that's okay because that's just a part of life. No one told you life was going to a walk in the park. It's quite the opposite, darling. There's going to be intense obstacles that you have to overcome in order to move on. I plan on helping your beautiful soul feel enlightened and loved without having others love you. Learn to love yourself and you already have the power to get through anything thrown at you.

     First off, you need to understand and accept that you need to love yourself without needing others to love you. We all know that our life span is very short. We can lose loved ones in a heartbeat. We never know what cruel impacts can come our way. Enjoy life while you can walk, play, talk, love, see, experience. If those senses are stripped from you, I promise you that you are going to regret taking those things for granted thinking that you would never lose them. I came to the realization not too long ago that everything I love can be easily snatched away from and taken somewhere I will not be able to reach out to.

     Take risks! Don't be afraid of embarrassing yourself, failing, being wrong, or someone disapproving of you. YOUR LIFE is YOUR LIFE. Go ask that cute guy that you like for his number. Go wear that outfit you have been too timid to wear. Go skydiving! Learn a new language to communicate more efficiently with the cute transfer student. Be brave and be courageous. Don't EVER be afraid to voice your opinions about anything (as long as you do it in a polite manner of course) that you have different views on. You either go big or go home. A lesson that I learned while nearly giving u on a construction project for school was "nothing is gained from quitting on something you've already put effort to. I thought, "I either get at least a partial passing grade or nothing at all and lower my grade." I stayed after class working on it by the way  and received 70. Basically, don't give up and gain nothing. Keep pushing and gain something.

     It's 4 A.M, (this proves my previous point),  and before I go off to bed I want to finish this last point. STAY POSITIVE. Grab those negative thoughts and feelings and throw them out. Always look forward to the brighter side of things. For example, I am ready to shut my eyes and get as much sleep as possible. Instead of saying how exhausted I am and how much of a bad idea it was to start a book at 1 A.M, I just look forward to the sleep that I'm going to get. 

     Writing helps enormously to boost a brighter mood. Listening to music can also drastically change your mood and perspective on situations. Always have a "Me-Session" where you read a book, listen to music. drink tea, do yoga, write your feelings, plan the next day, organize and clean, do whatever involves you transferring into a positive mindset. Good vibes are the key to having a better attitude and life. Always see the brighter things n life and pray. Yes, pray. IT HELPS. Trust me. I used to scoff when a very dear friend of mine would suggest praying when I was having bad days at home. I gave in and his words really touched my heat. You don't have to pray to anyone specifically but just silently take a moment to appreciate being alive another day and ask for guidance. My friend still prays for me and I ask him to pray with me after school and I honestly feel so much more enlightened. Don't freak out if it's hard for you at first, it takes time and consistency. Take little times during the day to reflect and note what you want to change and you will mentally prepare yourself positively for any situation. You will get through anything if you just keep the positive vibes and get rid of everything negative.

     If you're reading this THANK YOU SO MUCH! It took me so much time to make the cover, description, and this first chapter. I really hope you enjoyed the very first chapter of "A Guide : Teen 'Blog'"! Please follow, comment, vote, and add this to your library so you can be notified of the next chapter. I stayed up super late writing this so i apologize for any mistakes within this part. I'll be sure to edit any mistakes that slipped from my spellcheck. If you are still reading this please comment what you want the next chapter to revolve around! 



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