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"There you are!" Phil exclaimed as Dan walked outside into the cool evening breeze.

The sun was setting, the sky a lilac purple shade, dappled with shades of orange and pink. A beautiful night.
Phil watched the sun setting into the clouds for a brief few moments before turning to Dan.

"I was getting worried about you, did you find my phone?" He asked Dan.

Dan shook in anger, staring at the concrete ground. He physically couldn't look Phil in the eye. It hurt too much, to think why Phil would do that to him, especially to a friend of Dan. He felt stupid and used.

"Cut the bullshit, Phil," Dan said quietly, trembling. "And yes, I got your fucking phone, take it before I fucking break it."

Phil blinked in confusion. "Uh, are you okay Dan?" He asked nervously.

Dan snorted in laughter. "Am I okay? Am I fucking okay? Well, I just found out that I'm clearly not fucking enough for my boyfriend that he has to go sleeping round with my friend, so yup. I'm fucking fine."

"Dan, what the hell are you on about?" Phil replied back, scrunching his brow.

He had never seen Dan so angry before and he had to admit I was a little terrifying. He watched him pacing up and down the street, shaking his fist at him and wondering what he should do.

"Oh, for fucks sake, don't fucking liE to me anymore, I got the screenshots you shithead!" Dan shouted, waving Phil's phone.

Phil finally clicked and knew what Dan was referring to.

"No wait, Dan, you've got it all wrong!" Phil started. "It's not what you think!"

Dan snarled, cackling with laughter like a crazed lunatic. He was starting to cause a scene and people were beginning to look but Dan didn't care. He was so fucking mad.
He hated Phil for this.
But he hated himself more, for not knowing, not suspecting a thing like this was going to happen.
Not knowing he was never going to be enough for anyone he loved for them to go and cheat on him because he was such a lowlife bag of shit.

"I trusted you Phil! I trusted and loved you with all my heart. You were my everything, didn't you fucking see that? I woke up every single fucking day with the same thought in my head over and over again. 'I don't and never will deserve him.' I devoted my fucking life to you, Phil, you saved me, I loved you Phil! Why would you fucking do this? I fucking loved you!" Dan screamed, gripping his hair and the phone tightly.

Dan was breaking down in public.
He could feel the burning glares of passers by sizzling into his back and could almost taste their judgement, the eye rolling as they hurriedly walked away from such an awful scene. He couldn't breathe. It felt like the world was closing in on him, trapping him and for the first time in years he realised how alone and unwanted he really felt.
Dan gulped for air, tears of anger and betrayal streaming down his red face.

"Dan, please," Phil cried out, flustered and on the verge of tears himself. "It isn't what you think, okay! Just stop please and let me expl--"

Phil didn't get to finish his sentence. Dan had heard enough already and was interrupted by Dan's heavy fist crashing into Phil's jaw at speed, almost knocking him flying.
He lay, sprawled on the floor, blood dripping from his lip like a small fountain onto the ground, and tears welling in his eyes from shock.

"Just shut up, Phil!" Dan cried. "Fucking shut up! I don't fucking care, all you do is hurt me, I don't care! Just go to fucking PJ's. I don't fucking need you anymore, you bastard!"

Phil stayed silent, emotionless and unreactive and shakily picked himself up off the floor. He briefly dusted himself off and wiped his bleeding lip with the back of his hand.

"If that's what will make you feel better Dan, then I'll go now. But you've got this all wrong okay, and when you've calmed down, I'll explain it to you. I love you, Dan," Phil said calmly, but his voice was shaking too much to sound relaxed.

Dan watched him silently as Phil walked into the road to cross to the other side. His view was hazy and blurred with the tears that were pouring down his face.

Dan turned to his side and about twenty onlookers from across the road stared back at him, and realising Dan had seen them tried to act as if nothing happened.

He sighed heavily, closing his eyes and using the cuff of his shirt to wipe his tears away before reopening them.


A sharp, bright light flashed on the road, moving so fast that Dan couldn't keep up with it. It was soon followed by the sound of screeching tyres against the newly gravelled ground and then suddenly a deep scream from the road.


Dan's mouth opened to scream out but nothing would come out. He bounded into the road, in attempt to stop what was inevitably coming, somehow, anyhow, but he was too late.
A loud crash followed. Dan saw everything.
He saw Phil being briefly thrown at speed against the car's bonnet. He saw the broken glass, the blood, oh so much blood, and then he was flying in the air, his body flailing around in scary movements as if he was taking part in some crazy dance and then it was all over.

Phil landed heavily on the road, about ten feet away from Dan, head first, slumped in an awful position.

For a brief second his twisted arms and legs twitched and Dan saw Phil gasping for air, his eyes bulging like a fish out of water and then there was nothing, except the sound of cars passing by either side of them and people shrieking in shock and horror.

Far in the horizon, the sun finally disappeared behind the clouds.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2016 ⏰

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