I Don't Believe - Chp 3

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"The best players will play. That's the way it will always be." ~ Larry Bird

My first initial reaction was the snide voice in my head yeah well this is just a freaking fantastic first impression, talking about dog shit, charming. The snide voice had my face blanching with a grimace, my back still facing the doorway where I could feel a burning gaze in the back of my head.

I licked my dry lips as I took a calming breath, my body turned slowly towards the doorway reassured knowing that if Charley and Blake got along he couldn’t be that bad. My sheepish smile with rosy, flushed cheeks became visible to him as I slowly turned and faced Blake.

That is until my eyes laid on him.

I couldn’t help it, but my mouth fell open as I stared openly at him, my eyes wide and unblinking. There stood Blake, leaning against the doorway with his arms folded, his height was extensive, the top of my head falling under his shoulders, he’d be like a tall tower standing over me protectively. His body was balanced out and sculpted to perfection; he looked like a Greek God at how he didn’t look like some steroid freak or some runt. He was balanced and utterly gorgeous, my heart fluttered at the sight of his body alone, the sight of his abs visible through his tight shirt, that clung to his body leaving not much to the imagination but making my mouth salivate. He was clad in black jeans that hung low on his hips, a tight white shirt that fit him like a skin and of course his feet covered in black leather boots. My mouth drooled more at the sight of his arms folded, his arms tensing and bulging, my eyes slowly trailed and traced up his body before meeting his gaze.

I hit a brick wall.

Behind his dark black scruffy hair that you just wanted to run your fingers through and tug on was piercing green forest eyes that had me practically hyperventilating. His eyes were beautiful and so intense, taking in everything with such an insight that it left me breathless, and my heart quivering. My eyes trailed lower along his chiseled jaw line that I just wanted to run my nose along, unable to note the slight scruff and chisel of hair on his jaw. Finally my eyes fell onto his lips, heart shaped lips that looked so kissable and sinful that my lips already felt swollen.

The longer I looked the easier I could see the amusement in his eyes, staring at me and with no shame checking me out also. The sexy, aggravating smirk caught my attention next, a smug smirk that had me wanting to get rid of it but then also wanting to get rid of it by taking possession of his lips.

“Charley who’s our little bella over here in the room?” he asked his eyes glued to mine, his voice like you were caressed with something silky smooth and yet something gravely and rough leaving your body shuddering.

Charley’s jingle of a laugh bought me out of my trance as I glanced away slightly, my cheeks blushing a deeper shade of red as my heart continued to bruise my ribs. “This Blakey boy is my best friend Bailey.” She said giving my shoulders a squeeze as she hugged me close “She’s a little bit special.” She whispered teasingly.

I rolled my eyes as I ran my tongue up the length of her cheek with a smile. She shot me a shocked look, spluttering on laughter with wide eyes as I pulled back. I shrugged indifferently with a smile “You had cake mixture on your face.”

Charley laughed turning back to Blake “She’s a bit of a slut Blake, watch out; she’ll start hitting on you next.” I gasped slapping her shoulder trying to fight back a smile.

Blake’s timbre laugh bought me out of a void, making my eyes flutter back to his “I don’t know Charley; I can’t imagine myself sharing bella with anyone.” He murmured roughly, his voice truly low though, an intimate bedroom voice causing me to blush deeper.

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