Chapter 1

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Julica's POV :

I was hiding in my closet at the moment. As usual , my mom and dad were abusing me , physical abuse , while my sis was at school. When my sis comes home she starts screaming at me making lies about me annoying her or hurting her or breaking things. Do they believe me when I say ' I'm innocent ' ? No , she's too much of an Angel to do such a thing as lying and that I'm lying because I'm just jealous of her.

Back to the present , at the moment my ' mom ' and ' dad ' each had a knife in their hand , so I hid in my closet , locking my room's door. Yeah , I don't see them as my parents , even though they are , unfortunately , my biological parents and sibling. My ' sister ' was at school , busy being a whore instead of actually studying.

My sister has black hair and her body is flat. But because mother and father are rich , boys tend to act interested in her. Because of the money.

And my mother has blue hair while my father has black hair.

Yep ! You guessed it , she hates her hair because I have it and she says that she was unfortunate for my sister , Britney , not to have it instead. Sooo bipolar , maann !

My thoughts were cut of by loud banging on my door , followed by a " YOU LITTLE BITCH BETTER OPEN YOUR DOOR THIS INSTANCE !!! "

I learned over the years that my parents have short patience and if I can't be found they'd leave me alone. I was already bleeding from multiple scars and I had a large and deep gash in my left thigh. But it didn't really hurt much seeing as I've become good at enduring large or deep gashes. I had my iPad with me , so I started watching NARUTO all over again. From episode one.

I don't know how much longer I stayed there , but I got to the end of the chunin exams , YAY ME !

I stood up and came out of my closet. I looked at the time on
my iPad and saw it was already
4 PM. Noooooooo ! Why world ? WHY !!? See , it means my Britney's back. Which is absolutely positively horrible.


I was then reminded by nothing in particular that today was my birthday. My eyes widened at that remembrance and my eyes welled up with tears. I jumped at my bed , burying my face in the pillow , which soon became wet.

For the rest of the day , I ignored my family , I don't know if I can even call them that , and covered my wounds in bandages that I keep with me for moments as these ones. Sigh. I hate my life. I looked out my window , you must be wondering :- ' Why not escape this nightmare by the window ? '. You see , my window is barred to prevent that.

I sniffed , wishing this day to be over. Nothing good will happen on my birthday. I cried myself to sleep , wishing I could go to Naruto world , knowing Naruto could fill my emptiness and fix the heartbreak I suffer.

I sniffed , I w-wish it was possible to escape to the N-naruto world ...


I forgot to add that Britney is younger than her by 1 yr , meaning Britney is 10 and Julica has turned 12 while Britney will turn 11.



Ja Ne ~

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