Chapter 4

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Kyle's POV

Me and the Beast was still holding hands walking to the kitchen. I would say this is childish, but then again I would've ran away if I wasn't holding his hand. Plus, his hand is really soft.

"Since we're almost at the kitchen can you stop holding my hand?" I asked.

"I still can't trust you not to leave. Plus we just started walking again. You had to go to the bathroom just a minute ago,"

"I did? Oh yeah I did. Your bathroom is full with hair, you have to check that out or something,"

"Whatever, here's the kitchen. The people that was talking to you in the bedroom can watch you,"

"Are you not going to eat with us?" I asked.

"I don't eat with trespassers." The Beast let go of my hand walked away. I rolled my eyes. Such a baby.
I walked into the kitchen and the wave of cookies and chocolate hit my nose quickly.

"If you're smelling chocolate, then thats me burning chocolate,"

"Clyde stop burning shit," said Craig turning off the stove.

"Sorry about that Kyle. Here have a seat." I sat at the end of the table.

"So are you guys going to cook for me or something?"

"You said you wanted Chinese food right?" Asked Craig.

"I-I already called a pizza," said Tweek.

"Oh, then your having Chinese food and Pizza. Enjoy," said Clyde.

"Um okay then..."

"Soooooo tell us. Why do you want to go out with Stan?" Asked Clyde.

"I don't know. I mean we've been friends since forever and I guess I started liking him more then just a friend,"

"That hella cute,"


"What it is, don't deny it Craig you know you feel the same way about this ship,"

"I do but I'm not making a huge deal off of it like you are. Besides your next,"

"Wait what?"

"Guys, not a good time to talk about Clyde X Token," I said.

"You people ship me with Token? Gross!"

"What do you mean gross, fan girls like it," said Craig.

"Oh really, like who?"

"Well theirs Wendy, Bebe, Red, majority of Wattpad," I said, making a list of usernames from Wattpad.

"Wait people make stories?"

"Not really, but Style, Creek, and Bunny are better." Everyone nod in agreement.

"That hurts a lot,"

"Guys, I know soon I'll have to wake up so can we stop wasting time by breaking the fourth wall and get on with this,"

"We're breaking the fourth wall? I thought we was waiting for pizza?"

"We also ordered Chinese food so that'll take about another hour." Everyone moaned.

1 hour later

"I have a question. How do you guys eat?" I asked.

"Well for me I burn my food and it's considered eating," said Craig.

"I just d-don't eat," said Tweek.

"And I just put food into my pot hole,"

"That sounds gross," said Ike.

"I know Ike I'm not very proud of what I call it either,"

"Well I'm full so I guess I'll just go back into my bed room,"

"Okay bye." Ha, suckers. I ran out of the kitchen and made my way to the exit. Once I made it outside to my horse, I got on and just left. Fuck my father man I had to get out of there. I rode off hoping that I wouldn't find the beast out here. I suddenly heard growling, thinking it was the beast, until I saw a pack of wolves.

"Shit wolves!"

My horse panic and started running towards the castle. It then stopped once a branch fell in front of us. My horse continued to freak out until I fell off.

"AHHH!" I screamed, falling onto the hard snow. My horse quickly ran away. "Wait no STOP!" I yelled, but my voice was to weak in the blizzard. The wolves circled around me and I knew I was dead. Before I passed out from the cold, I saw a figure beating up the wolves.
I suddenly passed out in the snow but I knew the wolves ran away. I suddenly felt soft, protective hands lift me out the snow. B- Beast? Why would he save me?

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