Chapter 11

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It's 2:30pm. Me and Olivia were lying on my bed wrapped in a blanket watching youtube videos. I hold Olivia close to me. As one of the videos finishes I realise that Olivia has fallen asleep, I kiss her cheek gently. She turns towards me and snuggles into my chest making me smile. She's so cute...

I awake to the slamming of the front door. Shit. mum is home from work... " mum is home, you gotta hide...!" I whisper to Olivia. She quickly jumps of bed and hides in my closet 10 seconds before my mum comes into my room. "Your home early.." Says mum as she walks in. "Oh yeah, I just walked home quickly" I reply. She looks unconvinced but seems satisfied and walks back downstairs. Phew...

"Olivia, you can come out now..." I whisper. She opens the door of my closet and hugs me. I look at my phone, it's 3:45pm. "I should get back home..." Says Olivia glancing at the time over my shoulder. "I'll walk you home" I say grabbing my hoodie. "I better get back changed into my uniform" says Olivia picking up her uniform. She looks at me and smirks "No peeking..." I blush at the thought and turn around. The temptation to take a look at Olivia was very tempting but I resisted the urge. "Ok, I'm done" she says grabbing my waist making me jump. "Let's go" I reply.

We quietly sneak downstairs and open the front door. "I'm just going to the shop to buy a magazine!" I yell to my mum. "Ok, see you in a sec" my mum replies from the kitchen. I close the door behind me and we start to walk to Olivia's house.

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