Lillian x Hiro

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The chilly winter air clouded my breath and I rubbed my hands together trying to work warmth back into my fingers. I surveyed the cracked ice in front of me, I was at the river that ran under the bridge. I could see the shadows of fish just under the ice, laughing at me. Maybe if I..... In a spur of inspiration I jumped onto the ice and swung my hammer down at my feet.


Well, it worked, however the perfect size fishing hole I created was also apparently 'Lillian sized'.

Fear pumped though my veins as I plunged into the icy depths of the water. The air rushed out of my lungs as I panicked. I clawed up and was met with ice above my head. I struggled, it was so dark. Water choked me. The ice made what light there was shimmer tauntingly. Than I found it, my stupid hole. I weakly grabbed at the edge and got my head up. Gasping I gripped the ice and struggled to pull myself out of the water and later on the ice trying to expel the water from my lungs. I dragged my self onto the bank, shivering uncontrollably.

After resting a few minutes I pulled myself to my feat, thank the goddess that could have gone badly. I stumble up the path, trying to focus on my steps. So cold. My eyes feel heavy, my blood seems to slug though my veins at a snails pace. I finally make it to Konohana. I stumble once more though at the turn to my farm, this time falling to the ground.

"Lillian?" A kind voice says my name. I'll answer them in a second. I just need to take a breather. "Lillian!" The voice is panicked now and the owner kneels before me I push myself up onto my knees, searching for the voice. Oh. It's just some Hiros. I wonder why they're dancing? I try to get to my feet but fall, I feel surprisingly strong arms loop around me before I black out.


I blink open my eyes, a beautiful full moon shining outside a window, I feel the soft touch of my spare Konohana clothes on my skin. I turn my head away from the moon and squint, is that....His features come into focus. Hiro. Slumped in a chair beside me. Where am I? White sheets, a curtain, It dawns on me: Ayame's clinic. I try to sit up but a wave of dizziness washes over me and the bed creaks as I attempt to sturdy myself.

Soft hands are suddenly touching me, one supporting my back as the other cups my face turning it to look into beautiful worried eyes.

"You're awake." Hiro's voice sounds hoarse. I manage a weak smile but it's quickly wiped away as pain flashes though my skull.

"Here, drink this," he holds a cup to my lips, one hand still behind me. I wrap my shaking hands around his and dribble a little bit of the liquid in my mouth, it tastes a little sweet. I cough as it burns down my throat. Hiro helps me lay back down before he slumps in the chair.

"What happened Lillian? When you came down the mountain path you were so pale, drenched to the bone. And than when you fell I...." He lost his voice, dropping his head into his hands.

"I um, fell in the river." I answered, a blush heating my cheeks.

His head snapped up, "Fell in the river? But how? The river, it's frozen at this time is it not?"

My blush deepened, "Well, I'd wanted to fish, and I thought that if I hit the ice with my hammer I could create a hole."

Hiro stood up suddenly, "And you fell in!? Into the water that's far colder than it needs to freeze, only it's movement keeps it from doing so!? Beneath the ice..." The last part was barley a whisper and his hands shook. I nodded and he collapsed to his knees pressing his head to my bed and grabbing my hands.

"I'm sorry for yelling, it's just- if I'd lost you- I- I can't lose you," his shoulders were shaking, he liked up at me and the moon light reflected the tears on his face. Suddenly he leaned over the bed drawing me into his arms. "If I'd lost you I'd have lost my reason to live," his words rushed out, panicked," I can't ever lose you, not when I, when I've fallen in love with you!"

I laid there, shocked in his arms as his whole body shook with chocked sobs. "But, I know how you feel. It's okay." He laid me on the bed and turned away from me. He began to walk away. Hiro was walking away from me, his tears for a different reason now

With a creak of the bed I leapt out, Hiro turning in shock. I launched my self at him, wrapping my arms around him, my own tears streaming down my face.

I leaned onto my toes and kissed him, electricity slipping though me and pushing away the dizziness but I felt him stiffen and I pulled back, burying my face in his shoulder, rejection washing over me.

"I love you Hiro!" I whispered, giving up on my kiss, "Please, don't leave me!" I begged my arms tightening around him. Suddenly I felt his arms slip about me, he lifted me up and carried me over to the bed, laying me down as he sat beside me. I sniffled, rubbing at my eyes.

Hiro leaned over me, pushing away my hands and gently swiping away my tears. "Please don't cry Lillian, I swear to you I'll never leave you ever again." He leaned down and gently pressed his lips to mine in a whisper of a promise.

I have no idea why recently I've been stuck on this game, it's not even my favorite Harvest Moon..... Well anyway how many of you have done the,'oh hey, let's fish in middle of winter! I'll just hit this crack with my hammer!' And than your guy plunges into the depths? My favorite is when your health was so low it steals your stamina and you end up passing out so you really shouldn't have been trying to fish in the first place.

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