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Marsha Stone the woman who never speaks to any one that's what the people at work call her. Marsha is a happy woman with a happy but quiet personality she's in her late thirties but looks good for her age. She is shorter any of her friends and the people who she works with so she wears heels to make herself taller as they make fun of her because of her height. Marsha has short deep drown hair that looks black and always wears hair clips to keep her fringe from her face her hair isn't the best looking as it sometimes has split ends. People always laugh at how Marsha's face looks they make fun of how her nose sticks up and you can always see inside her nostrils, her eyes are a light brown and are quite big which she gets teased about, her lips are slightly bigger then everyone else's and tend to stick out a lot.

Her eyebrows are big and sometimes bushy and she has the most biggest set of eyelashes. Her vision isn't 20/20 so she wears glasses to help her see but gets embarrassed every time people she her wearing them. People think Marsha is pretty but looks weird at the same time as she never looks at anyone and her eyes are constantly glued to the floor. Marsha doesn't have a very feminine posture as she slouchs most of the time and never sits straight, When she walks her feet look as if they are stuck together some people say that she walks like she has a 'stick up her bum and is trying to walk it out' they find it funny. There is more to Marsha then how she looks the way she acts is why people find her weird.

Marsha has social anxiety meaning she doesn't really cope well around other people and can barely talk to any body. She gets nervous about things easily and can get into a panic, Marsha doesn't go out much only to work and then back home and for shopping.

"Hey Marsha do you wanna go out to a party Saturday night?" One of her friends asked, Marsha shook her head "Oh no, I can't I'm busy" she replied "You never wanna go out Marsha" her friend replied. Marsha just sighed.

No one really understands Marsha's way of doing things as she does everything completely different to everyone else and people find it weird. Marsha is slightly scared of the people she works with that's why she never talks to them.

Marsha has had a tough time in her life ever since her mother died and her father was diagnosed with cancer so she hasn't been coping very well with it and her sister Lynda has been helping her look after their father but Lynda suffers from self depression and is hurting herself and now Marsha is getting really concerned about it. Marsha has a friend he's name is Vivian he's really close to her as they've known each other since their childhood so he is helping her cope to

"I just don't know how to cope with is any more Vivian" Marsha said putting her head in her hands Vivian put his hand on her back "it's okay Marsha I'll help you through this" he replied

But all Marsha wants is someone to always be their for her someone who will comfort her when she's sad. All she wants is someone to love.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2014 ⏰

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