Chapter 8

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                      (Russell's POV)

              The entire crew plus Funto and Dee were gathered in the infirmary, as I clutched Kris to me. I was still sobbing uncontrollably, not ashamed. Tears stained Kris's face, and though there was a very faint pulse, she was quiet.

               "God dammit no." Penelope cried, slamming her fist on a nearby table as she started to cry. Ed took her in his arms, trying to console her, though he looked shocked as well.

                "Why... Just why..." Luna's hand covered her mouth, her eyes watering as she eyed her friends. Chris hugged her, but he looked solemn, knowing there was nothing else they could do.

                  Cecilia and Dee were clutching each other, trying to comfort each other as they watched me holding Kris. Kris, who was still in my arms. God I still couldn't bring myself to let her go. They'd probably have to pry her out of my arms. I wipe her hair from her face, and wipe the tears away too.

                   "Isn't there something else? Anything!" Allison sobbed, as she collapsed on the floor crying. Thomas sat down next to her, rocking her in his arms as he cried quietly too.

                   Nadia, Alli's sister was crying as well, even though she hadn't known us long, she cried, her and Arabella holding onto each other. Arabella had just woken up, though she faded in and out, she started crying uncontrollably when she saw Kris, insisting that it was her fault, if we didn't have to come get her.

                 Nathan quietly tried to pull Arabella away from Nadia, though she resisted at first. She slapped at him when he touched her, and though he looked shocked and hurt at first, he was determined to try and hold her while she cried. "Dammit. Look... I'm sorry... I know ya probably need space... I just can't... Just dammit all..." Nate cursed, as he pulled Arabella into his arms.

                 She fought him, but he didn't let her go, clutching her to him. She eventually settled down, letting him hold her. Nate cried quietly, watching me holding Kris.

                It was captain, who broke the silence. "Russ.... I'm sorry..." Morgan said, placing a hand on my shoulder, a serious look on his face. "There's... Look.... There's an option... But there's no guarantees, and it's making a choice for her... But it's an option." Morgan started, and I quickly and carefully set Kris down, before bolting from the room.

                  He didn't have to say any more, I realized what he was getting at. I just hoped it worked, and that she would be okay with what came with it. I wasn't stupid, I knew messing with this sort of thing didn't come without its consequences or its price. But if she could have some form of life, I would do whatever I could to be with her again.

                 I grabbed the dead man's chest from the navigation room, before sprinting back to the infirmary.

"You're making a big choice for her, and picking her life for her. I'm not trying to discourage you, just know what you're getting her into." Morgan lectured quietly, as he helped me place the chest on the bed next to her.

"Cap, as long as we have a shot at being together again, that's what matters. I love her, and maybe it's selfish, but I'm not ready to let her go. I just want to be with her. I'd do anything for her." I answer him, my mind made up, as I open the dead man's chest.

                Captain meets my gaze, before nodding. Chris and Funto make their way over to help. "Okay, her heart has to stop beating, for this to work. As odd as it sounds." Captain directs, and Christopher checks her pulse, nodding to confirm she no longer has a pulse.

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