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" Today's high..."

" Our weather is ..."

" This is your drive by weather..."


" UGH!, My head.", said a beautiful Red haired woman, in a WWII German - like uniform jacket and Brown shoes. She looked around

the room, and found a Dark headed woman in a Japanese Officer's WWII White jacket and shoes. " Mio, Mio?", asked the woman.

There were groaning, and the Japanese woman's single visible eye opened, the other covered by a White and single blue striped

eyepatch. " Minna, what happened?", she asked. " I don't know, Major. Help me, wake the others.", replied Minna.

In another area

" Wha, what are you doing, with those devices?", asked a Dark Brown headed girl, hiding behind a beautiful Blonde girl.

The Blonde, was glaring at a couple of Older Teen boys. " Put away, whatever those are, and LEAVE US ALONE!", said the Blonde.

" Dude, do you understand, what they're saying? ", asked one of the boys to his friend. " Nope., But I'm posting these on

Facebook.", replied the other. Then, the two girls, shuffled into Wal - Mart. They were in awe of the interior.

Kansas City Skies

A girl, with messy Brown hair and matching colored eyes, was flying beside, a Blonde girl, with glasses. They had odd flying

devices on their feet and legs. " Wow!, look at all the buildings!", said the Brown hair. " Miyafuji, we are not here to sight see!

We are here to get resources, and figure out what hapened.", replied the Blonde. Miyafuji, spotted what looked like a super

gas station. " Shirley - san, once said, we could get newspapers in gas stations.", she said. Then, she made a dive, for the building,

with the Blonde following.

502nd base, location, unknown

" Did you see the latest video, gone viral? I tell you...", said the radio announcer. " What is this man talking about? It's

gibberish.", said a girl with short Black hair, wearing a bomber jacket. " We are in unknown territory. What could be gibberish to

you could make sense to others.", said a woman with, short, Red hair, Green eyes, wearing a WWII German Officer's Jacket, and

Brown shoes. " Commander Rall! We brought something, which may help us.", said a Blonde girl. Then, she and her Brown haired

companion, pulled up and opened a laptop, on the Red haired woman's desk.

501st Base, Location, Kansas City, Missouri

Minna Wilckie, looked over the newspaper given to her by, Miyafuji and Clostermann. It was the Kansas City Star, with the date,

XXX. XX, 2016. " It appears, we may had been sent to an alternate, future ' Earth '.", she said. " * laughs * Certainly clears up,

a few things. What do we do?", asked Sakamoto.

501st R&R Lounge

" Witches, as you may know, we had a bit of a freak thunderstorm. But, it seemed the storm transported us an alternate, and

advanced version of ' Earth '. Therefore, until we learn more, you will leave the base in teams of two or three. This is only a

precaution. Also, along with your patrols, your will need to find resources, for us to continue base operations.", said Minna.

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