Chapter 1

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I screamed.

     Of course, I didn't mean to scream. I just kinda, did, without being conscious of it. My thoughts were too fixated on the paper I clutched in my hands to realize that I had opened my mouth, or to hear that there was someone rushing up the stairs to the attic where I was sitting on my bed. I flopped back onto my bed and held the paper above me just as the door to my room slammed open.

     "What happened?!"

     My older brother Alie was slightly out of breath from running to my room from the basement after hearing my scream. I could hear his accelerated breath, but didn't take my gaze from the paper.


     "You what?!"

     He noticed my blank stare focused on the letter held above me and took it from my hands. At that moment, the contents of the letter finally sunk in and I jumped off my bed onto the soles of my feet.

     "I got accepted! I'm going to Seoul! I did it!"

      The excitement inside me was like fireworks. A smile grew on my face that I couldn't shake. Alie was obviously annoyed that I made him worry, but he wasn't able to stay that way, as he began to smile as well. He chuckled and punched my shoulder lightly.

     "Good job, you worked hard."

     What he said was true. I had spent months learning Korean and studying in order to apply for the foreign exchange student program. Now, I was finally seeing all my efforts pay off. I was going to be able to go to Korea for a year! The future ahead of me looked bright.

     For now, at least.

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