The New Girl

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Jacob's POV
Me and Mackenzie were holding hands walking to our next class when our principal asked us to do her a favor. " I need you two to show around our new student Jordyn." Of course we said yes. We introduced ourselves and we started to show her around. She seemed pretty shy.
Mackenzie POV
I asked my teacher if I could use the bathroom and he nodded. Once I got there I heard crying. I knocked on the stall and asked if she was okay. " yeah..I'm just..... Not feeling to good." she said as she opened the stall. It was Jordyn. I gave her a hug and asked whats wrong. She said that she thinks her boyfriend is cheating on her. We talked for a while and I made her laugh. She seemed pretty cool. I think I just made a new friend. And I think I can finally have someone to trust besides Jacob. This is kind of cool.
Daniel's POV
Mackenzie is trying to ignore the fact that I basically said that I have strong feelings for her. But little does she know how much it pains me to see her with Jacob. I have to let it go. I said that I wouldn't try to ruin their relationship. And I won't. I just want to know if she feels the same way. And Kalani changed a lot. I can't believe it took me this long to realize it. She is a nightmare. She has a rude and nasty attitude when I am not around. Shes fake. But Macks not. I think I am going to have to break up with her........
Jordyns POV
Wow today was a crazy day. I met a lot of nice people. But I think me and Mackenzie are going to be best friends. We have a ton of things in common. I had a good day until my boyfriend started to flirt with other girls. Ugh why can't boys just learn to make commitment. I guess that's just how life is. Oh well. If he wants to be with someone else then all he has to do is tell me. Anyway I was walking home and saw this pretty girl with brown hair looking at me up and down. "Can I help you with something?" I asked her. "Hey don't talk to me that way. You better watch your back new girl or you'll regret it. Don't you know who I am. I'm the most popular girl here and I can ruin your social life." she said. "Whatever" I rolled my eyes and walked away. Man whats her problem? I had to get going. My homeworks not going to do itself.
Hey beauties. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please comment your opinion on how I can make it better. Thanks for reading I really appreciate all your support. Goodbye my beauties stay fierce.

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