Looking for Her

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Wolf's POCV
Rosa, Crystal, and I had left The Few a FEW months ago. The pun was unintended... We were busy look for Jess, while everyone else gave up after three years. Well we where trapped in a parrale dimension, or parrale for short. I picked up a familiar sent, causeing me to sniff the air. I guess Crystal was as well, because Rosa asked us a question but I didn't listen. "WOLF LISTEN TO ME!!!" Rosa shouted. "Why should I?" I snarked. "I'm your guys older sister!" Rosa sighed. "Well what did you want to tell me?" I asked. "Who's sent did you pick up? Crystal said that she can't remember who's though." Rosa answered. "The sents that I picked up are some Shadow Knights, and Jess's sent." I replied. "Well lead the way Wolf!" Crystal exclaimed. We ran, and after a while we found a wall so I went throught it useing my water magixs. I pushed a button that opened the gate to let my sisters in Rosa and Crystal the village. A man with light brown hair, and sky blue eyes put his emerald green sword to my neck almost cutting my neck open. "Hmm I see your one of the Shadow Knights that I sensed." I stated sickly sweet with a SLY smirk on my face as I saw shock in his eyes. I used this chance to kick him in the man spot. He fell back letting go of his sword, with his hands on top of his man spot. Rosa, Crystal, and I fall to the ground laughing. Hopefully if that happens to you guys people won't look at you like your crazy We decided to walk down this worn down path.

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