Chapter One

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'What's going on? It hurts. It's so dark. I don't like this. Are my eyes closed? Voices. Who's there? I can't move. Am I dead? Dying maybe? Warmth. Is someone holding my hand? There's mumbling around me. What's going on? I hate this, I'm getting scared. Why can't I move or do anything? What's happened to me? My hart's racing, shit, I'm panicking. I can hear yelling, but I can't make out the words. I think it'd be easier if I died already. I can't even feel, hear or open my eyes. Maybe they are opened and I just went blind. Someone help me. I hate this, I hate this, I hate this. I need help. I can't take it anymore; I need to feel something, anything. What's this? I feel like I'm going even number. Stupid darkness, stupid numbness, stupid nothingness. I feel calmer though. Maybe someone did help. Not really, I'm still in this freaking limbo. I need to get out of here. My hand. It's being held again, I think. It's warm and somehow comforting. What happened? Ok, concentrate, Sasuke! What is the last thing you remember? Something red? Blood? No, not quite. There's something black in the middle. Sharingan? Uchiha. Uchiha Itachi. I was fighting him, wasn't I? Did I lose? Am I in the hell of the Mangekyo Sharingan? No, that's not it. There's comfort here. Did I kill him? Did someone find me? It would be nice to find out that I've killed him and someone saved me from dying. Then again, If I did kill him, I don't have anything else to do with myself, so I guess I could just die. No. I don't want to die, not really. I can't feel the warmth anymore, where did it go? No, I need it, come back! It's too cold and dark; I don't wanna be here, stop it, stop it, stop it! It's back. It's ok, Sasuke, it's back. Alright, let's keep going. So I fought my brother and I'm still alive, I think. That must mean he's dead. Maybe I'm in a hospital. Let's see, do I remember anything else? Blue, yes yellow and blue. Might be the sky. No, the sky was dark when we were fighting. Well there are birds in those colors, aren't there? What else could it be? What do I know that has yellow and blue in it? Oh, how could I forget? The only person I've felt more for than just respect like for Kakashi, Naruto. I think I saw him; it makes sense. He and his team were on our trail. Maybe he found me near death and took to me to a hospital. Fuck! He would've brought me to Konoha. I'm screwed now. Why can't I die in peace? Wait, I feel different. I can feel my body and something else. There's chakra sort of entering me. What the hell is going on? I'm in a bed. I can feel my surroundings. Maybe I'm waking up. I know this chakra signature. The warmth, it's Naruto. Of course, dude doesn't give up, he still cares about me. I don't think I mind it that much anymore; if my brother is dead, it doesn't matter anymore. I'm gonna try opening my eyes; their heavy, but...'

"SASUKE! BAA-CHAN, SAKURA! HE'S WAKING UP!" – Naruto yelled out.

"Sasuke-kun, can you hear me?" – Sakura asked using a soft tone.

Naruto, Sakura and Tsunade stood by the bed where Sasuke was. There were many emotions going through all of them, but the main one, in all of them, was relief. The pale missing nin stared at them, he was trying to open his mouth and talk, but he didn't have enough energy. The whiskered ninja assumed so and took his hand, receiving a half-hearted glare, and started to poor his chakra into his former team mate.

Everybody in the room watched in surprise that he was able to this. Actually, Naruto didn't know what he was doing and he hadn't realized nor understood when he'd done the first time. It felt like they were connected by something and his chackra could mix with the other's and help repair his body, at least give him a little energy.

"What...doing?" – Sasuke managed to basically whisper.

"I don't really know, teme. It seems to help, though" – Naruto answered softly with a small smile playing on his lips.

"Hn" – Sakura and the tan shinobi shared a look upon hearing the so familiar sound.

"We definetly need to look into that, but it does seem to help Uchiha here to gain some strength. He'll need that to what's stored for him" – those were the first words spoken by the Hokage.

"And what's that baa-chan?"

"Brat, you know Uchiha Sasuke is a missing nin. He's lucky you and I had an understanding concerning him, so he wasn't killed on sight. If he's even luckier, the council will side with me to not have him executed on the basis of him being the last Uchiha"


"You killed him, teme. You accomplished your goal" – Naruto smiled, seeing the twitch on the other's lip trying to form a faint smile of his own, 'now, we'll get everything settled and you can finally let yourself be happy'.

"Sasuke-kun, we found you after the fight. We thought you were dead too, but we were able to save you"


" need to focus on getting better now. You'll have to stay here for a few weeks. Then we'll get everything settled. Everything will be ok".

Sasuke looked deeply in those blue eyes filled with hope and love; he tried, but couldn't help the twitch of his own lips trying to smile again. Naruto saw that and his own smile widened. The pale man looked at the women present who also had hope in their eyes, 'what's wrong with these people? After everything I've done, they still care so much. They must be crazy'.

"Naruto, Sakura, we should let him rest for now. You can come back tomorrow to see him" – Tsunade ordered.

"Alright, baa-chan. Teme, you'd better get well soon. Rest, ok?" – Sasuke nodded, which was a barely noticeable action.

"Sasuke-kun, we'll come back tomorrow"

"Hn" – the pale nin managed to say before falling asleep.

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