Chapter Three

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Sakura was taking a walk in the forest. She had much to think about. For years, she's had a crush on Sasuke, but it was actually on an idea not on the real person. Her feelings were completely gone now. She loved him, but as a friend.

She kept on walking and trying to come to terms with her new crush. She hasn't rapped her head around it yet. Having feeling for Sasuke was easy, obvious, what girl wouldn't? But having feeling for a real close friend, who has been there for her all these years, gone through pretty much the same pain, tried to cheer her up every time, even though it probably hurt, that was different and dangerous.

However, the more she thought about it, the more she found herself completely lost in those feelings, 'Oh, is that Naruto?' she had just reached the training grounds area and saw movement down at the field.

She could see the tan body, glistening with sweat; the muscles clenched and unclenched during a tai-jutsu training with no shirt to hide the natural beauty. The movements were graceful, calculated and deadly, so different from what the boy used to be like. She watched the jumps, punches, kicks, rolls and every other move the tan boy made, admiring her friend.

"Oi, Naruto, how are you?" – she greeted after a while.

"Sakura-chan, I'm great and you?"

"Well, I'm feeling weird, confused...kind of scared of my feelings"

"Hmm wanna tell me about it? Maybe I can help" – He saw his friend blush and shake her head.

"No, no! It's ok, I'll figure it out"

"Sakura, talk to me" – he said seriously, almost demanding.

"Fine *sigh*. I don't have feelings for Sasuke-kun anymore"

"I thought so"

"Really? OK, anyway. I have feelings for someone else, but I'm scared. Having a crush on a friend could ruin everything; I don't know what to do"

" Well, you don't wanna tell me who it is?"


"Ok,'re sure about these feelings? I mean, there not just some sort of fase?"

"No, I'm pretty sure they're not"

"Well, maybe you should talk to this friend, I mean if you don't you'll never know what might have happened and you'll regret it later. Sure, it could go all down the hill, but if it's a real friend you'll get passed this"

"Wow...I can't believe you just said that"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean what happened to my idiot friend?" – they both laughed a lot at that.

"So, have you talked to the teme?"

"Yeah, but not much; more than we used to talk though"

"He seems a bit different, don't you think? It's like he is...I don't know at ease. We still get on each other's nerves, but he just seems to be less on edge, I guess"

"Yeah, well, maybe getting his revenge got him peace of mind"

"I suppose"

"He's still gorgeous, though"

"Yeea-*claps hand on his mouth*"

"Did you? Were you? You? WHAT THE FUCK NARUTO?"

"Sakura, I...I" – the blonde shinobi was pacing in a circle, not believing his slip up, his hand still on his mouth and a look of slight horror on his face.

" think...are" – She watched her friend pace around horrified. He suddenly stopped and looked at his feet.

"Yes, I am" – She saw him flinching like he was expecting to get hit or something; she gasped and ran  to him, catching him in a bear hug. Of course she ended up hurting him anyway due to her inhuman strength, but it was on good sentiment and intention.

"Naruto, it's ok. Thank you for telling me. There's nothing wrong with that"

"Sakura-chan" – They hugged for a while. Naruto didn't even know he had this fear in him, sure, he never told anyone, but Jiraia; still, he didn't know he was afraid of more rejection, especially from his friends, it felt good to be accepted. He let go of her and stared deep into her eyes – "Thank you, I needed that"

"Sure...sooooo you have a lil' crush on Sasuke-kun?" – she said in playful tone, which caused the blonde to blush hard.

"No, no, I don't...I mean, I don't think I do, maybe?" – she laughed.

"Well, it does make sense, Naruto. Look at everything you've done for him, you love him"


"It's ok, just let it be for a while and then once all this matter it's settled take the same advice you gave me"

"Hn, you're right. I'll do just that *grins*"

"Can I tell you a secret?"


"It's about my crush...Well, I have feelings for...Ino" – Naruto's eyes almost popped out of his head!

"YOU KIDDING ME? OH MY FUCKING Goah-" – she put her hand over his mouth.

"Damn it, not so loud!"

"Sorry, I was just surprised. So, you're bi?"

"I guess"

"Well, I don't know if she has feelings for you, but I do know she's gay"


"Who's being loud now? Anywho, I saw her with a girl on that mission I went with her team"

"Oh my god! That's perfect!" – She hugged him again.

Both shinobi kept on spending time together, talking about their crushes. Even though they weren't with their beloveds, they were happy. Having a friend by their side was all they needed at that moment and they were relishing in the fact that they had each other and that things were going well after so much hurt and wanton.

A couple of hours passed, they said their good byes and went their separate ways. Sakura headed home, she had much to plan; she was gonna make Ino fall for her. Naruto went to Ichiraku's Ramen before going home to the bastard. He was truly happy right now, things were going his way and he could only hope they stayed that way.

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