Lithuania & Chernobyl?

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Well, 2p Lithuania is mean, mean, mean....T_T I try to be nice, well no, I don;t need to try. I'm always nice to him, but he just trips me over, or gets me to make him food...I'm a pushover though so... ._.

The other one is friendly~!~!

But I still kinda prefer 2p Liet...Maybe because I grew up with

Big sister's Chernobyl incident.

It was horrible, absolutely horrible.

Well, naturally I was extremely worried for her health! Though big brother did not care, they don't get along well....She was sick for a long time. I looked after her till she felt better and then she got straight back to partying and drinking and all of that stuff.

Dziakuj for the question CanvasCalledLife~! Feel free to ask more~♥

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