The Fraze

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Hey everyone!!! I was hoping that u guyz cud go through the poem and give me ur feedback... 😃 Anyone is welcome to comment. :)

THE FRAZE ( Freedom+Maze)

I am stuck in a cage,

I am stuck in an endless maze,

I am stuck in this nightmare which doesn't seem to end,

I am lost and i am hurt,

I have no idea where to go,

I had no choice,

So i ran...

I found myself facing a dead end,

Along with the smell of my burning flesh,

That's when i realised that there was a fire eating me,

The fire that came from me,

For what i saw in front of me, was everything that made my blood boil,

I had to escape, i had to reach the centre of the maze,

So i ran....

I found myself facing a intersection,

I took a right and then realised the error i had made,

But it was too late to back away now,

I found myself choking on poisonous gas,

My vision blurred, due to the misty atmosphere,

But it wasn't blurry enough to prevent me from seeing what lay in front of me,

For what i saw in front of me, was everything that i had ever regretted,

And that is when i realised i was choking on my own guilt,

But i had to escape, i had to reach the centre of the maze,

So i ran...

I found myself stuck in a narrow path of the maze,

It was bright and beautiful which made my lips twitch into a smile,

I gazed up and looked at the sky, it was filled with everything that made me happy,

But i knew it wouldn't last forever,

I had to escape, i had to reach the centre of the maze,

So i ran...

I was back to square one, the place i had ran away from,

But the maze had a different plans for me,

Cause in a second i was drowning in water,

I opened my eyes trying to make sense of my surrounding,

Which was a huge mistake,

For what i saw in front of me, was everything that made my eyes well up with tears,

And that's when i realised, that i was drowning in my own tears,

I let the fear take over me, as i sunk deeper and deeper in my tears,

Only to find myself in the centre of the maze...

I opened my eyes which were filled with hopelessness ,

Only to regain hope because of the sight in front of me,

There was a wonderful waterfall which started from a height, my eyes couldn't seem to register,

There was a calm campfire, that warmed the place,

The atmosphere was chilly with the touch of mist,

There was sunlight that seeped through the holes between the leaves,

And a card lay before me which read " You are finally free...For you have reached the centre of your maze (heart)..."

The ending is like um, everything I feared is at one place and that's why I feel free, like fire(campfire,anger), water(waterfall,sadness), mist(atmosphere, guilt), light(sunlight, happiness)
So yah, I am just trying to convey the fact that no one is perfect, u have to accept urself the way you are, no one is always happy, sad, angry... Everyone is a mix of everything, once u accept that, u can find "INNER PEACE" XD lol kung fu panda

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2017 ⏰

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