The Beginning

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-5 years ago-

"Guys wait c'mon lets make this organized!" I said through laughter as Josh banged on the drum set, Niall wailed out vocals, Hallie sat with a guitar and I was in the front. We were your normal club of 15 year olds always messing around instead of actually running a music club like we were supposed to be doing. Just a hodge podge of kids, we all liked up music and signed up when we saw this club has openings and immediately formed a group of friends. Niall, the boy with long blonde hair that was shaggy and brushed over his eyebrows, he was always found shouting out things in class and getting sent out into the hall for singing, he was pretty popular, mid class i'd say. Hallie, a pretty girl, long wavy brown hair with blonde highlights, big round blue green eyes, super nice and sweet but kinda un noticed. Josh, a mid class soccer player that had a secret passion for the drums, his parents really wanted him to be a star soccer player but he loved music, he and Niall were best friends and he had longer swished brown hair. Then there was me, the girl who loved to live life hidden and under the radar, i'd rather be listening to indie music and rock then bubble gum pop and country. Every day I slipped on my light pink vans and rode my electric scooter to school, I know I was old enough to drive, I had my permit and what not but something about zooming down the street on an electric scooter gave me so much joy. I had brown eyes and long strawberry blonde hair with a screwed up accent that was a mix between Irish and New Yorker, I moved here to Mullingar when I was about 9. I really loved music and was able to let go when I sang. "What should we do coach?" Josh asked tapping the symbol. "I think we need to start with the simple guitar, so Hallie can start, then Josh, you come in with the drums and after a little drum intro Niall can come in with the vocals, good?" "Yup" Niall said giving his hair a flick. We went as planned but then "i forgot the wooooooooordssss to thiiiss paaarrtttt" Niall sang passionately with about 5 thousand runs and high notes. Josh started to crack up and they both had an accomplished high five. "Well that would've been great if NIALL HADNT MESSED IT UP!" I punched his arm playfully and he winced with a little pouty face "ow! K fine you wanna go?" He asked puffing out his chest and I flipped my hair "bring it on Horan" "why don't you come sing it" "okay" I strutted up to the mic hip butting him out of the way and Hallie let out a small giggle. We started as usual, then I removed the mic from its stand. "WHO RUN THE WORLD GIRLS! WHO RUN THE WORLD GIRLS! WHO RUN THIS MOTHA? " I sang which wasn't even the right song then broke out into a full on Beyoncé hip hop dance session. "What even was that Halloway?" "Excuse you, Hallowoncé" he gave me a glare then Josh shouted "I think we're good for the day, lets go play some football" "eh hem soccer" I corrected him with my American instincts "shut up american" we all got up and went to Niall's house and Hallie and I sat and gossiped and played on our phones while Niall and Josh had a soccer showdown. "Josh Niall! C'mere" they came over and I whispered to Hallie "got the camera ready?" "Heck ya" Niall and Josh showed up in front of us pumped up. The cool damp streets of our neighborhood were empty yet we seemed to light up the gloomy skies with our cheery teen personalities. "You two should have a dance off" Hallie says snapping a big gum bubble. "I'm so gonna win Devine" Niall said dusting off his shoulders and stretching. "Watch it Horan, my talent hits people fast" Josh spoke as he sized up his competitor. Niall went first and did his dance to Beat Again rocking out the dance moves while Hallie and I cheered and Hallie secretly recorded. Josh went next and danced to some N Sync song, Hallie and I declared our winner as Niall and jumped up and down screaming and rubbing it in Josh's face. We giggled furiously and posted the video to Twitter.

Those are some of the memories I remember from back then until we all reached the age 16. Niall auditioned for X Factor and suddenly became one of the really popular boys in school all the girls clawing for him until he actually got into the One Direction group and started getting into the live performances and I never saw him again. Hallie became one of the clique-y pretty girls that all the other ones worshiped as some perfect magazine figure. Josh stayed by Niall's side and rose to the top of popular-ism. And I just stayed the same, under the radar and un noticed. Josh is the drummer for Niall's millionaire band, One Direction, Hallie is some world class model and I always smile when I see her in magazines for Coach posing her life away and then theres me, Jess, working in a run down family bakery.


I slipped on my light pink vans some white flowery leggings, a simple glitter tan sweater that hung off one shoulder and snapped my light pink Beats into my white iPhone 5. Hopping on my electric scooter as one of my favorite artists Lorde, played as I zoomed through Mullingar. The wind blew my hair back and I took in a big whiff of the dew-y air and my tires made a clicking noise as I rode over a bridge with a small creek. Next was the place I dreaded riding by most. Niall's house. It sat there dark, empty, and lifeless. There were no teenagers joking around playing soccer and screaming out song lyrics. Just quiet and tranquil. I cranked my scooter faster so I would always zoom by Niall's house in a blur. Soon I reached the small brick building with a metal roof, I shoved my scooter against the back dumpsters and headed through the squeaky back wooden door. Halloway's bakery hidden deep in the heart of Mullingar. My nana runs the place, but from home so I usually never see her, I work my shift with Wesley a sweet little blonde girl and Ray a curly black haired boy with piercing green eyes. I hummed along to Where is the love by the black eyes peas as I scanned my card and grabbed my apron. "Jess take off your beats and get to work" Ray teased as he saw me screwing around in the back corner. "Oh my god J listen to whats playing!" Wesley cried and Ray barged in "CRANCK IT WES!" He screamed and Wesley turned up Live While we're young and started screaming the song at the top of her lungs. Ray jumps over and starts spinning her around in circles, they love to tease me about how I used to know Niall. "Ya know Jess, one directions rumored to be coming here for a break," Ray said sitting on the counter nibbling on some bread. "Keeping up with the one direction fandom I see?" I question him as he looks away "nooooo" "mmhmm ya sure whatever" I said laughing, "you should tweet Niall and ask" Wesley teased me "he wouldn't remember me," I said shying off and Ray poked me "c'mon who wouldn't remember Jessica Halloway?" "A billionaire pop star" I muttered and Ray and Wesley started chanting "do it do it do it do it" I gave in and took out my phone to an eruption of cheers. ' @JessHbakemeacake - @NiallOffical I heard you guys are coming back to Mullingar (represent!) is it true?' I tweeted and waited until he surprisingly quickly responded ' @NiallOfficial - you're from Mullingar?! Cool girl! I'm sure the screaming girls will provide you an answer @JessHbakemeacake' Ray quickly grabbed my phone and smirked "thats a yes duh!"

It's Just Me... JessHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin