1. Death

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(Note from author, this is my first story on here so don't yell if I mess up on grammar or spelling, I'm going to try my best on that so yea, enjoy this part :D)

No ones pov
Masky ran with Hoodie on their way to a new kill. Both finally able to get out of the mansion, and away from all the other pastas. Their target lived alone and had no recorded of owning a weapon or weapon training, so this kill would be easy for them. Hoodie slowed his pace as they came up on the targets house
'So in the back door or the open window?' Hoodie asked
'Window, easier to hide our tracks from' Masky replied
Hoodie ground , as he wanted a thrill from going in the door but went along with Masky in to the window . They found the target laying on a couch, Hoodie tripped and caught the targets attention.
'How..who? Why are you in my house ' the target said and pulled out a small gun and aimed at hoodie


Three bullets fired in to Hoodies head, blood pooled around his now motionless body. Masky felt a surge of anger and quickly ran behind the target and stabbed them in the neck with a pocket Knife, he stabbed the target till the target lay dead, and unrecognizable. Masky picked up his dead partner and carried him back to the mansion, Masky could feel his tears streaming down his face, fogging his mask. Jeff and LJ stood in shock, Masky barked
The two ran in to the mansion, as Masky laid Hoodie on the ground, he knelt by Hoodie's side , and felt the tears flooding the bottom of his mask. Hoodie's blood started soaking in to Masky jeans
'Dont worry , he will be fine , all better, it's just a few bullet holes' Masky tried to tell himself.
'No no what am I saying! Brian...your dead.....you can't come back from being shot three times' Masky sobbed in to his hands
Jeff and LJ come back with Slender
'Masky, don't worry I will fix him , now stop your crying and head inside' Slender comforted coldly.
Masky without a word went in and slammed the door to his room. He took off his mask and began crying In to his pillow
'Brian....don't leave me all alone...'
He sobbed for what felt like hours to him. He settled down and changed in to a t-shirt and shorts then pulled out his pocket knife. Looking down at his wrist his saw all the bad moments, and a scar for each of them, scars from razors, scissors, knives, anything sharp that Masky could've gotten a hold of. He held his pocket knife up to his wrist.

Hush hush hush

He inscribed Three lines in to his wrist
'One for each bullet' Masky whispered to himself .
The blood pooled up from them in small bubbles. Masky  stared up at the ceiling letting the pain of his cuts take away the pain of losing Hoodie . A knock on his door, jolted him back to reality . Masky quickly hid the cuts under some gloves he had, and opened the door . It was Ben, he was holding a plate of cheesecake
'Hey, I brought you cheesecake! And Slender said that Hoodie will be back up in a few days, but he is going to be okay' Ben said cheerfully
'Uhh thanks....but I'm not hungry...I'll have it later, and thanks for the update'
Masky closed his door and took off the gloves, looking back the the three marks, they had stopped bleeding, Masky went to the bathroom in his room and began running cold water on to them
Masky grinds his teeth as the water sent pain up his arm. Small amounts of blood came out from the cuts again, Masky covered them with gauze and planned to tell the others he got cut on some thorn bushes while running back.
Masky flops on his bed and sleeps.

*time skip to morning*

Masky wakes up to the sounds of Ben yelling at someone. He gets up and changes to his normal outfit, a tan jacket , black undershirt, and gray jeans. They were the only things that filled his dresser, besides his summer attire. Opening his door he walks down stairs to see Ben yelling at the the tv,
Ben got a new game, Masky thought.
Masky turned to the kitchen seeing Slender making breakfast. Masky turned back to Ben and sat on the couch.
'What game is this?' Masky asked
'Its GTA 5 , I'm playing with some kid named Toby'
Ben said then turned back to his game, saying something about getting a gun and a helicopter in to his headset .

Ding ding ding

The breakfast bell, Masky got up and Ben paused his game, others slowly filled in to the dining room. Masky ate only a few bites of a pancake before getting up and running to the medical wing of slender's mansion. Masky searched for his friends name, and dashed to the side of Hoodie's bed. The heart rate monitor beeped, Hoodie seemed like he was merely asleep.
This hadn't been the first time Hoodie had died, but last Masky hadn't seen it with his own two eyes ( probably got that wrong, I'll fix it if I did! So tell me if I did :D) Masky grabbed Hoodie's hand, it was warm. Not the cold, death like state he was just just hours ago. Hoodie's head is covered with gauze and medical tape.
'Masky , come back upstairs and eat, I have some very important news that I'd like to tell everyone at once' Slender spoke suddenly.
Masky jumped not seeing Slender there, and sighed
'I'll be back later Brian, stay strong buddy'
Then walked up stairs and sat back down. Slender began his announcement

( That's all for part 1 ! Hope you liked it, I'll be adding more soon, see ya then )

Just one more ( TicciMask) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora