Chapter 1

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Hi, my name is Ellie. That's short for Eleanor, I'm 15 years old and I live in a small town called Catoomba in nsw Australia.

As most people would have worked out by now I have trouble finding out where I stand in everything: Relationships (I'll get back to you about that later), friendships, classes, family and where I actually stand. Now back to the relationship part. I have a crush in this super cute guy at school. Ahhh, Chris Stern. The only problem is he's my best friends big brother and I'm afraid that, well, SHE'LL KILL ME AND TARE ME INTO LITTLE PIECES ONE BY ONE. No biggy. Big biggy.

I've been best friends with Scarlett Stern ever since we were both toddlers.

Now here's a quick life lesson. Being in year ten you don't really get noticed much but when you get into years eleven and twelve your seniors so everyone notices you. Well that's the way it works at my school. I hope that's how it works out for me. 😳

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