Chapter 2

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School was soooo boring I literally slept for the whole day. Math class I stayed awake for one reason and one reason only. Chris stern sits infront of me. If he were in a crowed and I was behind him I would recognize him before you could say cheese. I recognize the back of his head more than the front.


It was Mac and cheese day in the cafeteria today. Ahhhhh, Mac and cheese. Nothing better than sticking your head in a cheesy mess and eating it with your face. Sadly being at school I had to eat it with a nife and fork.

Next second Scarlett sits down next to me. "Hey, how you going?" She says, being as calm as a cucumber. "Now listen here Ellie, stay away from my brother, got it. I herd the roomer. Stay away or your toast." She says as sassy as a spicy chilli. "Gotcha Scarlett" I reply back.

My amazing day turned into the scare of my life thanks to miss sassy spicy Scarlett.

Where do I stand?Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя