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Zayn 's P.O.V
Emma❤️: hey babe
Me: turn on channel 12 we are on for our interview
Emma❤️: k I will watch you
"And we're back in one direction," the interviewer said
"So tell me how many of you are single "
Emma❤️: Zayn don't you dare say you are single cuz you are dating me love you 😘
Me: ok I won't and love you to babe 😘 do you want me to make our relationship public?
Emma❤️: yes I would love that
"I'm not single " I spoke up
"Awe" the crowd says
" who's the lucky lady?" The interviewer spoke up
"Her name is Emma White " I spoke
"Awe" the crowd says
"I'm not single" Niall says
"Who's the lucky lady?"
"Her name is Courtney Carter" (fake last name all of the last names are fake)
"I'm single but hopefully not for long " Harry says
"Who's the lady ?" The interviewer says
"Sorry not telling" Harry says
Kenzie's P.O.V
As I turn on the tv my attention turns to Harry
Me: what dose that mean I'm single but hopefully not for long ?
Hazza❤️: umm nothing
Me: what do you mean 'umm nothing '
Hazza❤️: bye love you 😘❤️
Me: see you latter love you 2😘❤️

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