Chapter 1

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I plug my headphones in and look out the window of the school bus. My senior year of high school and I'm still riding the bus while my half brother who's only five months older than me has a lisence and a car. Too bad he doesn't have a first period like me or I would ride with him.

I shake my head and tune into the lyrics playing on my iPod.

The bus pulls up to my small town high school and I get off with the rest of the poor suckers. I head to my locker to exchange binders and books, keeping my eyes on the ground.

I shove my things in my locker and then walk to the mechanic shop. I take a seat at the table and listen to the boys talk about the class. I'm the Teacher's Aid for this class.

"Good morning Tarah" one of the boys, Jeremy says.

"Morning" I mumble, texting my best friend Jessi.

This is how my morning goes every day at school. Always boring and the same as every other day.

The bell rings for break and I head to my locker. Jessi is waiting there with my locker already open for me. Her long blonde hair is up in a ponytail today so you can see her bright green eyes.

"So guess what" she says, smiling with her perfect teeth.

"What?" I laugh and put my book in locker. I slam it shut and walk out of the hallway with her.

"Jackson is taking me out to dinner tonight!" she said as we walk toward the front benches where our friend, Makenzie is waiting.

I laugh again and say, "How cute."

"What's cute?" Makenzie asked, playing with her short brown hair. Her wide brown eyes look at a cute boy walking by and then focus back on us.

"Jessi and her boyfriend" I explain, pulling my phone out and texting the boy from last night.

"Oh," Makenzie says. "Well I'm going to get laid tonight."

Jessi rolls her eyes and says, "How romantic."

I laugh and shake my head at them. Makenzie and Jessi are total opposites. Makenzie is dark haired and tan while Jessi is blonde and fair skinned. Jessi is tall and skinny while Makenzie is shorter and more curvy. Makenzie doesn't believe in having feelings for boys and just wants to get laid all the time. Jessi wants to get married to her current boyfriend and is saving herself for marriage.

Then there's me. Short and tiny with no butt and barely any curves. Long brown hair and blue eyes with dark lashes surrounding them. I want to believe in love but it just seems to evade me and make me believe it doesn't exist.

"Shut up. Not everyone wants a cute little relationship like you" Makenzie said, crossing her arms and glaring.

"Jeez, what's your guys' problem?" Michelle asked, walking up to the benches with her boyfriend, Daniel.

Michelle and Daniel complete our odd little group of misfits. Michelle is a heavier girl with brown hair that has streaks of rainbow colors in it.  Daniel is an awkward, skinny kid with glasses. He has dark, curly hair and brown eyes that make Michelle's green ones stand out. They're oddly a cute couple.

Now don't get me wrong, I like our little group of misfits. There's never any drama between us and we all get along fine. And I'm content with the few close friends I have.

"Jess doesn't approve of Mak's love life" I told them, shaking my head once again.

Michelle laughs and sits down next to Makenzie. "She'll grow out of it eventually" she said, bumping shoulders with Makenzie.

The bell rings and we all groan. I gather up my stuff and say bye to everyone except Jessi. We head back to our lockers as she complains some more about the way Makenzie is. I just nod my head and think about how I have work after school today.

"Are you listening Tarah?" Jessi asked, grabbing my arm.

I blink and look at her with an apologetic smile. "Sorry. I'm tired and out of it. Thank God it's Friday, huh?"

She smirks and says, "Yeah. See you at lunch!" She walks toward her class and I walk into mine with a shake of the head.

School goes by quickly after break and soon enough, I'm riding the bus home since my half brother, Jake, has baseball practice. When it reaches my stop, I walk to my house and unlock the door. No one is home of course. My parents don't usually get home until the sun is going down.

I quickly change out of my shorts and tank top and into my work shirt and jeans. Then I brush my hair and touch up my makeup. I grab the keys to the truck I'm only aloud to drive to work and then leave.

I work at a swimming pool that's ten minutes from my house as a cashier. It pays good and its a job, so I don't complain.

I walk into the employee room and see a two new guys standing at the table. They turn as I walk in and smile.

"Hey" one said. He has short dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. He has a baby face and is cute in a dorky way.

"Hi" I mumble, filling out my time card.

"What's your name?" the other asked, still smiling. He has dark brown hair that he spikes up and blue eyes that make him very attractive.


"Well I'm Jordan," the brown eyed one said. "And this is Adam. We're starting today as life guards."

"Nice to meet you. I have to get to work. See you guys later" I said, waving lamely and walking to my station.

I relieve the girl at the cash register and then lean against the counter and watch as the time ticks by slowly on the clock above the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2013 ⏰

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